Confirmed...Hitler escaped to Argentina.

:smiley: :smiley: …for those who still dont believe. :rolleyes:

I do not believe this. Because I have seen many German soldiers on the history channel from the Hitlers secret bunker. They said he asked for poison to drink for his last hours and a pistol. After a few hours they heard him shoot himself in the ear. Panzerknacker I never disagreed with you before, but there is no way I can believe this.

I was just kidding, however the author of that book dont. :wink:

There’s a belter of a movie out called Downfall.

Its about the last weeks of what went in that bunker.

The story is told from all those who survived, staff, secretary’s and such.

He gave his new wife a cyanide pill and shot her and as he swallowed his own he was advised by his doctor to shoot himself too.

His body was seen being removed and taken outside to be burnt.

Apparantly he wasnt going to escape and didnt want his body captured by the Russians and paraded around, so it was burnt.

They reckon under artillery fire as well.

Now i undertand why you are such admirer of german-wearponry;)

PK, you are busted :smiley: :smiley:

Now i undertand why you are such admirer of german-wearponry;)

Some russian comics illustrators seems to share that teory…:mrgreen:


Fist caption -A good strategist know when to do a retreat.

Second caption -I will go to Argentina.

Even more…they bring gold…:idea:

Ha hA Ha
Thanks mate:)

Ok good, you scared me there for a second. I was like. If this is true that is not good for some of my book reports I have done!:slight_smile:

What ?

rofl,you see the poll on that website"What do you think happened to Hitler?72% said they thought he escaped out of 3700 votes :roll:

More “evidence” ,check this book. :smiley:

Hmm, I don’t seem to recall capes in evidence very often in Hitlers Germany, and the Nazis had quite hight, and strict sartorial regulations. apart from if you were Goering.

2,664 people BELIEVE Hitler was able to get to Argentina?

Many Nazi’s did, but I doubt Adolf was amongst them.


Well , you have to think like back in the 50s, when the information about the final destination of the Hitlers remains wre no clear.

2 of the worst actually came to Argentina, Eichmann, and “Doktor Muerte” Mengele.

Mengele never was punished by his horrendous crimes and died peacifully in the arms of his wife in brazil.

Well I think that they found him

This is actually a really cool site check it out

:smiley: :smiley:

Good find

Even thoe Hitler did not escape to Argentina. His fellow friends in the Nazi group in his hidden bunker recommended he did. But he refused. He wished to die in Germany, but not by the Russians. I wonder why so many Nazis fleed to Argentina. Does anybody know why?

lol they were pretty much the only country that was not involved majorly in the war,I believe that made a huge difference.Also South America is such a huge place…Could easily get lost in the larger cities,nobody cares what goes on,everybody just does thier own thing.Personally I thought they should have moved to antartica.

It’s just amazing how many books there are about “Hitler Escape”. :smiley:

Well, maybe it’s a good way to sell a book by “revealing” stuff like this, and playing around with details and possibilities. But on the negative side it creates a lot of disinformation.

His mortal remains were reburied 8 times and eventually destroyed by fire
A badly charred corpse of Hitler was found in a bomb crater in the Imperial Chancellery’s garden 60 years ago. His mortal remains were reburied 8 times and eventually destroyed by fire.

How & where nazis escaped after the war:
