Congrats to Chevan!

Due to a glitch the ranks have been readjusted. So Chevan is our newest 1st Lieutenant. 1st since Erwin.

Congrats Chevan

On another note im aware of the title problem with staff members. Ill have to fix that later.

Oh, the mighty and terrible, Chevan! Will you send is in the fight in a human wave attack? I hope so…

Hurrayyyy comrides.:slight_smile:

… Will you send is in the fight in a human wave attack? I hope so…

Sure i will mate:)Who is the Chevan without human wave attacks?:smiley:
But now i as hight officer need the personal Jeep to move my ass to fronntline:)

Thank you Gen.
You are the best general-******istrator that i ever knew:)


Since there is an odd problem…moderators will now be staff members, senior staff members…and I am just labeled an administrator. Not that its important but ww2admin and I hold the rank of major general. But we cant display it…oh sad times are these. LOL anyhow im sure everyone knows the staff and their rank. bla bla bla

Congrats to Chevan. We will have a new 1st lieutenant in the british section soon…not saying who it is but you can probably guess.

Its nice to see ppl achieve these ranks by posting and posting good material.

Oh common Gen, do not flatter me:)
You know not always i posted the good material.
Our Latinos muchacho even have banned me for two weeks for good material :slight_smile:
Thank you though - you are the polite man in here ( right after George)


Congratulations for this milestone. I’m only 40 posts behind ;)…

Congratulations Chevan :slight_smile:

Oh Nick.You keep in mind our posts.
I did not even guess you still have posts-race with me:)
Just do not forget - the quantity is not always means quality.The posts are very different.
If you simply post the news-threars using the copy/past method is not the same that to dig the sources in aim to search the material.
For instance the post of our friend George are always very informative with a great links of sources.But he have twice less of posts here.Does it mean we twice better members than he, sure not.This mean that he has not been involved in many senseless debates like you or me:)
Besides you need more time for you rmod’s work. So do not hurry buddy. Do it good , not fast.:slight_smile:

Nah, Nick’s getting all his posts from killing spammers - the system autoposts a message in the mod room from you whenever you ban someone! At the rate we’re getting hit he’ll be miles ahead of you in no time at all…

Well, I’ve seen plenty of interesting material from you “debater” types :slight_smile:
I think that reasonable debate helps keep the forum lively and often provides the spark that motivates members to research topics more thoroughly.

I do read a lot of the threads here, even though I don’t always chip in. Much of that has to do with the amount of free time that I have available. I have to budget it towards certain topics that I’m more familiar with and supplement it with what I can glean off of the internet and any personal resources that I have available.

There are times I won’t weigh in on certain debates, as it would expend a lot of my time and energy with little result in changing the other party’s mind or opinions. In such cases, I am content to just observe and learn.

So, keep up the good work guys :wink:

LOL I just kidding around, I’m not in a competition with anyone. But I think you’ll recall that I took a long hiatus from the site many months ago. Prior to that we had been roughly parallel in the numbers of posts.

If you simply post the news-threars using the copy/past method is not the same that to dig the sources in aim to search the material.
For instance the post of our friend George are always very informative with a great links of sources.But he have twice less of posts here.Does it mean we twice better members than he, sure not.This mean that he has not been involved in many senseless debates like you or me:)
Besides you need more time for you rmod’s work. So do not hurry buddy. Do it good , not fast.:slight_smile:

Well, what’s useless about debate? I’ve learned quite a bit that way, and have had to research to defend my arguments. The truth is though, I don’t have as much time to post with the spam attacks lately.:(…

You know not always i posted the good material.
Our Latinos muchacho even have banned me for two weeks for good material

Worry no more, you are now free to post wathever you like, the jews are evil, the poles are evil, the ukranians are the worst, etc.

Ah…and dont forget your teories about the holocaust. :rolleyes:

I dont know what you waiting for.

Apparently you think that your departure means that the other mods will allow such undesirable material, as they lack your high moral standards and great modding skills.

You’re being arrogant and insulting to the other mods in assuming that your resignation means the end of civilisation as known since toothpaste was put in tubes.

You might note that Chevan put a smiley after his comment you quoted. In the context of his post, he was being humorous or ironic, two things you never understood, and still don’t, because you tend to look for offence and find it too easily.

Of course, those kinds of posts will always be looked at just as they always were.


…not to mention “Report post” button :wink:

Anyway congrats Chevan! Поздравляю вас!

Apparently you think that your departure means that the other mods will allow such undesirable material, as they lack your high moral standards and great modding skills.

You’re being arrogant and insulting to the other mods in assuming that your resignation means the end of civilisation as known since toothpaste was put in tubes.

Holy mother… :shock: talking about trolling, just see who arrives.

It seems that the retirement house has broadband again.

Just for once you have say the truth, of course I dont like the actual situation, and obviously that I am not very pleased with the majority of the moderators, and you provide a perfect example:

You have two account Rising Sun and this Registra.etc, now , why this allowed when is clearly against the rules ? No idea, nobody has explain me that.

I am not arrogant, I am self confident which is not the same, is a “cultural question” like a british Mod told me. :rolleyes:


  1. Has nothing to do with Congrats to Chevan
  2. Your becoming hostile
  3. We have a place for this and its called…what was that…oh yea PMs. :rolleyes:

Dont Make me break out the hose! :slight_smile:

Obviously this is a thing that you need not concern yourself with now.


And mighty congrats to Chevan.

I accept your administrator’s rebuke, but I think that encouraging PK to PM me is a cruel and unusual punishment. :smiley: I can’t think of anything I’ve ever done to deserve that. :wink:

Also, Big congrats to Chevan. Well deserved, mate. :mrgreen:

The reason I posted initially was that I thought that PK was being churlish in Chevan’s congrats thread by raising issues about Chevan’s past conduct in a harsh and sarcastic fashion when Chevan had raised them in a self-deprecating and ironic fashion, in a good natured spirit which was absent from PK’s response.

The seriousness with which I view this issue can gauged from the fact that I am actually springing to Chevan’s defence, instead of maintaining my usual position that the Soviets didn’t do much after coming into the war late and just muddling around in eastern Europe, to counter Chevan’s usual position that the Soviets would have won the war earlier if the other Allies hadn’t interfered by drawing German forces away from the USSR where the Soviets would have killed them all by the end of 1943. :smiley:

ODDLY changing subjects…Lets give congrats to our 1st (British Ranking) 1st Lieutenant Rising Sun*