Congrats to our first Sergeants! Sandworm and FW190 pilot...

Looks like Gen. Sandworm and FW-190 Pilot have become our first Segeants on the forums! Before you know it, you will be on your way to a full commissioned rank. It won’t be long until you become First Lieutentants and Captains.

The benefits of high ranks? You will get more privilages…moderator status, some other new features I am working on, prizes, etc.

As for everyone else, keep posting in this forum and you’ll gain rank too. Yes, it’s even possible for someone to become a full fledged General! That is going to be tough, but I am not saying it can’t happen:)

Thanks for the support General. How about if i make it to General you send me an MG-42 so i can cut down some of the trees in my backyard. :smiley:

nah, i wouldnt ask for much
just a FW -190D equipped with X-4 air to air missiles in flying condition
a Me 262 in flying condition would be nice too 8)
anyways, thanks for the promote

Hey if I got the chance I will only ask for something small. Like a Griffon engined Spitfire in perfect flying condition. :smiley:

Well I didnt know we were going to get greedy…otherwise I would ask for the P1000 Ratte Landcruiser. Then i can kill my neighbors dog that annoys the piss outta me everyday. Overkill…probably. Alot of fun… YES!!! :smiley:

Would be a good time. You are all invited coz im sure it will take a butt load of people to man the thing. 8)

I shall be looking forward to it. Remind me to bring my PPSH, just incase you fail to run the it over. :slight_smile:

Bast in all the glory that is Sergeant Major Gen. Sandworm. :smiley:

Congrats Seargant! I am hot on your tail!! LOL :smiley: :smiley:

BTW, did the admin mention anything about gifts? (nudge*) (nudge*) haha nevermind. :smiley:

No he didnt :frowning: At least not yet. Good lord if it took 200 to get to Seargeant Major must take like a million to get to General. Or my present position i should say. :smiley:

I think it would be atleast 500.

Congrats lieutlienant Vorontsov on your promotion to Sergeant. :smiley:

Could the Admin list how many post it takes to get to the next promotion?


MUCHOS GRACIAS, and Congrats to everyone who has just been promoted!

By my experience, this isn’t good system of ranking. In this case, system made people to write messages more often, but unfortunatly, without any good thoughts… In my forums, I’m prefer the “karma” raiting system. One time in hour one man can change the Karma raiting to another one, whoever he want. +1 or -1. This is more efficient and good system.

Can you explain that more? Sounds interesting.

Hm… I thought I explained it well… My bad english :slight_smile: Maybe was more easy to ask questions, and I’ll answer?

To you as well :smiley:

Could you post a link in order to see what is about?