A former army soldier who fought in the 1982 war has became graphic designer and his design office had released a new proposal for the Footbal team shirt wich included the disputed islands Map…
I do this because I fell that our claim to this land is more than fair and also as some way of teraphy
The AFA ( Asociacion del Futbol Argentina. Argentine Football Association) had rejected the shirt since the FIFA forbid clearly any political Propaganda/claim in the international encounters.
C.B had not ceased in his attemp and now is offering this shirt for any Footbal/Rugby/Basketball/Hockey team with skyblue blue and or white in its shield colours.
I am pretty sure that more than one member in here will have some questions,suggestions, aditions to this partular issue.
Instead give me the usual ranting you can go directly to the source, I think Carlos would be more than pleased to hear your comments. :mrgreen: