Consolidated PBY 5-A Catalina. - US Coast Guard | Gallery

Consolidated PBY 5-A Catalina.

US Coast Guard "Catalina" flying boat over Traverse City, Michigan Coast Guard Station, around the time of the Station's commissioning (1946). This tough, durable flying boat was produced, in several variants and in considerable numbers in the United States and Canada in the course of WW2. It was widely used by Western Allied forces in coastal defence, anti-submarine warfare, air-sea rescue and supply and communications duties in the course of the war. Many can still be found, reconditioned, in use to this day by civilian and local government operators. Best regards, JR.

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Some years ago an Italian private pilot purchased a Catalina showed in many air shows. I saw and visited this splendid aircraft on Parma airport. Unfortunately this aircraft was destroyed on a landing fatal accident (brakes troubles and impact with an airport building). Victor Sierra