Cool pics of Romanian Navy

They are of course present for Super MOD Dani!

Romanian marine guarding British HSM St. Albans frigate, during its visit in Constanta port.

The boarding squad from ‘Regina Maria’ frigate “inspecting” USS Porter destroyer during a recent Ro-US exercise in which the American ship played the role of a suspect civilian ship.

Romanian frigate “Regina Maria” - it mean “Queen Mary”.

Romanian frigate “Regele Ferdinand” (King Ferdinand)

“Regele Ferdinand”

Romanian built frigate “Marasesti”

Romanian corvette - "Pescarusul


Thanks Lancer!:smiley:

Romanian frigates “Regele Ferdinand” and ‘Regina Maria’ are old british frigates ( tipe “Shiffild” :“London” and “Koventry”) were bild in 1984-86.
The ruminian Flagship - fregate “Marasesti” ( early destroyer) was bild in Mangalie (Romania). This most big romaian war ship (5790 tons)
The modern Romanian flot has single submarine “Delfinul” ( soviet bild 1986, project 887)
Has somebody submarin’s photo ?

So far, only low resolution b/w picture:

Edited: I found a color picture:

Is this “Kilo” class sub?



Top picture – why is that Romanian Marine wearing a British CS95 uniform?

Romanian marine guarding British HSM St. Albans frigate, during its visit in Constanta port.

As stated above

So maybe the brits loaned it to him. :smiley:

Yes ,
“Kilo” according to the of NATO classification.
The Diesel-electric submarine “Delfinul” (serial 581, project 877Э) was bild in 1985 and, in next year was passed to Romania .
Analogical submarine was passed to Poland

Romanian marine guarding British HSM St. Albans frigate, during its visit in Constanta port.

As stated above

So maybe the brits loaned it to him. :D[/quote]

Simply: we bought from UK not only frigates but also uniforms and ripstop.

Left: old uniform. Right: new uniform.

Off-topic: More surprises for MoS

Return from Iraq (every 6 months a Romanian batallion is deployed in Iraq on rotation).

Iraq: Romanian soldiers together with Iraqi soldiers

Afghanistan: also here a Romanian batallion is depolyed at every 6 months.

Iraq: Romanian medical team.
The last off-topic picture is a dedication for Lancer

Superb pictures! Thanks!

Youd be surprised mate just who you bumb into wearing UK DPM.

Romanians and your mates the Dutch for one.

In Kosovo and Bosnia we could tell what nationality guys were from at least 1/2 a mile, we used to have competitions on the road to relieve the boredom, 3 points for a correct spot and double points for the correct nationality when 2 countries wore the same camo.

Nothing for the US as they were all too easy to spot as they never took their bloody helmets and CBA off!

Mind you, you lot must have bought our old Desert DPM as all the rank tabs are on the shoulder and no one is wearing those oh so trendy Camo shorts, and the desert boots are the old style too!

Thanks Dani!

Nice medical team. I would not mind to be treated!
Black hair medic - third from right looks very interesting!



Dutch DPM is ever so slightly different – it lacks the little spotty bits. Plus the design of the uniform is very different. I would comment on the colour differences as well, but there has been such variation in British produced DPM colours that it would be futile to make generalisations.

I see they have adopted the pufter gloves from the US SF

Well, while an investigation is still in progress…

A British corruption investigation into the sale of frigates to Romania brought further controversy yesterday, when a Romanian admiral alleged his impoverished country had paid three times more than necessary.

The two Type 22s, HMS London and HMS Coventry, were sailed to Constanta, Romania’s Black Sea naval base, last year, after officials in the Ministry of Defence had done a deal with BAe. Britain’s biggest arms company was paid £116m by Romania to refurbish them. But the British taxpayer only received scrap value, £100,000 each. The MoD’s disposal agency says Romania could eventually pay more than £250m to fully equip the ships with new weapons and electronic systems.
The Serious Fraud Office in London is probing alleged secret payments of “commission” totalling almost £8m, made offshore by BAe to bring about the deal.,1796154,00.html

we are discussing with the USA…

Romanian Soldiers To Use Humvee Cars- President Basescu
mediafax Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:32:00 PM CEST Score:0.08

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Thursday when reaching Kandahar, Afghanistan, that ARO cars used by the Romanian soldiers will be replaced with the American model Humvee

But the major issue for incoming year will be the tender for buying at least 48 new fighters for replacing the obsolete MIG21s. We quit using MIG29s and we just finished to modernize the old MIG21s.
A huge lobby is made by the Swedes who offered Saab JAS 39C Gripen. The other 2 offers came from Israel with refurbished F16s and from USA with F18s.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense admitted that they are undertaking “an evaluation of the feasible alternatives for the replacement of the MIG-21 Lancer aircraft,” with a decision scheduled for 2006-2007 and a target date of 2010-2012 for initial operational capability. Thy also noted, however, that they are interested in more than one type of plane. Defense Minister Atanasiu said then that Romania needed at least 24 new aircraft, and that a leasing system, auctions, or even participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program were under consideration.

Not to mention that Romanian authorities always talk about the new axis: Washington-London-Bucharest.:wink:
Anyway a good relation we have with Germany as well. Gepard systems are in used for 3 years.

EDITED: With refference to discussions about the prosperity, much to Jasa’s dissapointment, Romania have the money to buy all these.:wink:

Double away !

She’s mine ! :wink:

Very good pics.