costume design research

Hi… I’m looking for clarification as to what British infantry units and Russian infantry units were involved in “Operation Bagration” towards the end and how far it went into Germany, many thanks for any help you can give me.

“Operation Bagration” was a major success for the russians and went very far but not that far.

thank you for your concern re; my ignorance …can you now tell me if any British support units had contact with Russian units entering the outskirts of Berlin… many thanks

Highly unlikely, although there is the off chance that small parties of SAS would have been moving about behind the German lines at the time and so come in contact with Russians. Not sure how you would go about finding out about this though - the PRO at Kew might be a possibility, but the chances are that the records for this sort of thing have either been destroyed or never released.

As a general rule, the approximate meeting line between the US/UK and Soviets was along the BRD/DDR border. Berlin was totally surrounded by Soviet troops at the end of the war, so any British units linking in would have to be rather “special”.
If you’re after an excuse to put someone in British uniform in some sort of diorama involving the fall of Berlin, how about using British PoWs?

thank you for clarifying my query and with a bit of dramatic license my problem will I’m sure be solved.