Could Hitler gone to Argentina?

Pzk,If youve seen him, get a signature.

Hitler could, theoreticaly though unlikely, gone on a typeXXI to Argentina.
Wadya think?

Hahaha, this is a classic, I made a topic with this issue,( somewhat ironic by the way)The people seesing Hitler alive in Argentina is so abundant as the ones seeing Elvis in Las Vegas ! short :Hitler could, but he did not.

By the way: The option “yes I seen Hitler as old guy” could be a test of sanity online if you like.

Hitler went to a nondescript parking lot in eastern Berlin…

Had Hitler chosen to escape to South America (which he didn’t do), I think that theoretically the best option would have been taking planes (from that street near FührerBunker used by Speer/Reitsch - via Gatow - via Spain - to South America). It was possible to do, as words and actions by Hans Baur / Hanna Reitsch point out and prove (in spite of the fact that Luftwaffe was shut down and allied planes ruled the skies, Hanna Reitsch flew back and forth around Third Reich without being shot down).

U-boat trip to South America was extremely hard both physically and mentally - just read accounts by those who actually made it. And since location of basically every u-boat was known and tracked, it would have required a lot of preparations to do it without getting noticed.


Hitler would not have got to south america because the soviets would not have allowed him to

Could Hitler escape from Germany?
Why he should do it?
Don’t forget he was obsessed by German nation. The Guderian wrote in his memours that Hitler fully identify himself with German people.He did it almost as maniac.
We could say that he lived ONLY by Germany- literally:)
There is no any doubts - he could not gone nowhere. Coz he cann’t.
The most of historians who studied Hitler’s life had come to conclusion that Hitler saw only one perspective after the war. If Germany would have been destroyed- Hitler should die with its nation.Coz he naturally thought that German enemies would destroy the Germany complitelly.
he simply did not admit the other way of thinking.The Total War was meaning for him the Total destruction of Nation.
He was a ill patriot in most worst meaning of this word.

Who voted for “I saw Hitler” anyway?

Hitler in Argentina? I found a site on that :

Read it interesting photos of Mr. Adolf Hitler, bald, with a beard, all that.:mrgreen:

I think that this is a really funny question, and not to seem rude but whether he escaped to Argentina or not he would be over 120 years old. He has met him maker one way or other.

He should go to the Guiness World records for his thing as the oldest man and get dragged away by eager MPs…just kidding.:smiley:

no he could not of went to Argentina. he would be dead before he escaped

Panzerknacker Re: Could Hitler gone to Argentina?

Hahaha, this is a classic, I made a topic with this issue,( somewhat ironic by the way)The people seesing Hitler alive in Argentina is so abundant as the ones seeing Elvis in Las Vegas ! short :Hitler could, but he did not.

You mean Elvis isn’t alive and in Vegas? I am totally heart broken. LOL

The essential point to be made is that, like Elvis, Hitler is alive and well and living in the minds of those who cannot accept the fact that they are both dead. Elvis stories were concocted by Elvis lookalikes as a joke, saying that “The King” could never die…Same for Adolphus.

He will live in the minds of people who cannot accept the fact of his demise. Die Hards, we call them.

At least, with Elvis, you can still listen to his music, and be captivated by the legend of the white boy that could sing like a black man.

Those that keep Hitler’s memory alive have no such consolation. For all his actions as a man, Adolphus Hitler left only a legacy of suffering; an enigma he might have been, but the huge problem he was took a major war to solve. Angela Hitler and Paula Wolf wanted something much different for their brother…such a pity is was not to be.

we still have Hitler’s rantings…:mrgreen:

Excerpts from said survivla myth site:

(1) A Fa 233 transport helicopter flew a secret operation on Hitler’s order from Berlin to Danzig between 26 February and 5 March 1945, returning to Werder near Berlin on 11 March 1945 after a flight of 1,675 kms. [Source: The German Light Cruisers of WWII, Greenhill Books, 2002]. The purpose of this flight is unknown but might have been a trial to test the aircraft’s endurance.
(3) It was only one refuelling stop from there to Bodo in Norway.
[except that the longest ranging german helicopter had a range of 700km WITH auxilliary tank. The notion of going Berlin-Bodø in a helicopter at this time is ridiculous, they´d chosen any other heavier than air machine.]

(5) According to SS papers at the Berlin Document Centre, a Ju 390 prototype was at readiness at Bodo, painted in Swedish livery and under heavy SS guard. Suddenly in early May it was no longer there, and nobody knows what happened to it.
(6) Declassified Argentine intelligence documents state that in May 1945, a six-engined German transport aircraft from Europe landed on a large German ranch in Paysandu province, Uruguay with passengers and equipment, this ranch being near Puntas de Gualeguay about 70 kms out on the road from Paysandu town to Tacuarembo. The mile-wide River Uruguay separates Uruguay from Argentina. On the other bank from Paysandu is Entre Rios province, mostly marsh and wild pasture and a hotbed of German settlers. To transport passengers from Paysandu into and across Argentina was not an enormous undertaking.

A declassified Argentine intelligence report mentions a large German transport aircraft from Europe landing at a German ranch in Paysandu province, Uruguay at the war’s end.
After a long flight from Europe over the sea, Uruguay is the first neutral country on the South American landmass. It has many German settlers in the country; they tend to live in German villages and many of these settlers own large tracts of land.
Uruguay was neutral in the Second World War, Argentina was “at war with Germany” from March 1945. The only shots fired in anger between the two of them were the eight depth charges dropped on U-977 in the Gulf of San Matias on 18 July 1945. Certain sections of the police and armed forces in Argentina had been “bought” with Reich gold but it was by no means safe to overfly Argentinean airspace and land a large aircraft, whereas what went on in Uruguay interested nobody, least of all the Uruguayans.

Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormannn both died in Berlin at the end of the war. Both have been verified beyond doubt, the latter with very recent DNA testing. Thus neither of them escaped via U-boats to South America.

The book “Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich” by Ladislas Farago (1974) describes how Martin Bormann arrived to Argentina on the steamer Giovani carrying a Vatican passport in the name of Reverend Juan Gomez. He was apparently welcomed at the pier by by Ludwig Freude and General Juan Batista Sosa Molina, the Minister of War, representing President Peron.

Wolfgang Eisenmenger, a forensic science professor at Munich University, conducted the DNA testing of Bormann’s remains. He seems to have done the work for the Frankfurt justice officials. He also had Bormann’s dental, medical, and fingerprint records. Bormann’s children (or a distant family member, details a bit fuzzy) provided the blood for the DNA match which was proven conclusive, i.e. that the body was of Martin Bormann. The cause of death was deemed to be self inflicted poisoning.

end of Quotes.

I´ve heard several pretty new books state that Bormann most likely died in Paraguay in 1959, but this is disproved if the above DNA story is real.

True Borman’s skull dug up at Ulap fairgrounds at Berlin have been proved with DNA. What they never explained however was why the skull was caked with red volcanic soil. Hands up Snebold and others where the nearest volcano is in Berlin ?

… and nope you are confusing two stories. Incidentally I do not believe Hitler escaped Berlin, however it is a known fact that Hitler’s Luftwaffe adjutant Count Nicklaus von Below left the bunker and was flown from an island in Lake Havel by a Bv138 and was then transferred to another aircraft to fly south so he could arrest Goering.

You really should read your history Snebold.

The story about a flight to Bodo has nothing to do with Hitler, Berlin, or a helicopter and concerns a Ju-390 flight to Bodo.

Incidentally the Ju-390 had a Gross weight take off distance of 550 metres and a landing distance of 510 metres with a stall speed of 66 knots. At Gross weight the Ju-390 could use an extremely weak runway with 7.5 PCN or 8,300kg ESWL.

Course if you aren’t a pilot you wouldn’t understand any of that would you ?


My previous post is quotes from the site formerly linked to which was about flying Berlin-Bodø in a helicopter.

Please read the posts and links before writing personal attacks…

Umm… I am (and I’m not the only one on here who is either). Accordingly, I understand that talking about “gross weight take off distance” is meaningless. Gross weight is the total weight of the aircraft including all fuel, pax etc. - and since you haven’t stated the loading condition the statistics above are meaningless.
Secondly, you state that it could use a weak runway in that condition. Entirely possible, but such a runway will certainly increase the takeoff distance required due to the greatly increased rolling resistance. I’ve seen a lightweight motor glider with what would ordinarily be a very short takeoff distance indeed take the whole of a 6,000ft runway to take off before, simply because the grass of the runway was heavily waterlogged and so very soft.
Finally, site rules are that you must state your sources for statements like these - please do so.

With respect to an aircraft’s weight it is not the gross weight which determines the airfield’s ability to accommodate the aircraft. That is precisely why the Boeing 747 has so many wheels and bogies.

The Boeing 747 depending upon variant has a gross weight up around 800,000lb but on a high CBR runway only has the weight footprint of a Boeing 727-200 weighing 209,000lb

It is the distribution of the aircraft’s load which matters and that is related to the amount of wheels distributing the load. The Ju-390 had an Equivalent Single Wheel Load (ESWL) of 8,386kg per wheel. If you chart that on a graph of PCN numbers you will find that corresponds to 7.5 PCn which is a very weak runway indeed.

Regards Hitler, I have no reason to dispute what Hitler’s pilot said:

by Hitler’s personal pilot:
Hans Baur: Ich flog Mächtige der Welt, (K W Schütz Verlag, Preussisch-Oldendorf, 1973)

“Early on 30 April 1945 I was appointed Hitler’s Luftwaffe adjutant after von Below left the Reich Chancellery…I was summoned on several occasions to the Führer-bunker…in his living room on the last occasion Hitler took both my hands and said, “Baur, I have to take my leave of you.” In a state of great excitement I said to him, “You are not going to end it?” Hitler: “We have gone as far as we can. My generals have betrayed me and sold me out, my soldiers do not want to carry on and I cannot take any more!” I argued with Hitler that aircraft were available to fly him to Argentina, Japan or one of the sheikdoms, where he could vanish…Hitler then gave me his reasons why he wished to stay in Berlin and die there…”

The fact is Baur could have flown Hitler out and pray tell which aircraft at the time in 1945 was still able to reach Japan or Argentina ?