Could the Axis have won the war?

Hi, I’m new here and I don’t know if this has already been asked, but did the Axis have even a remote chance of winning World War II? Or were they doomed from the start? If they did I believe the world would be a lot different from what it is today…

Welcome aboard Revolver! :smiley: .

maybe without the intervention of the urss the axis could have a considerable posibility of winning.

Thanks Erwin! And I agree with you completely, considering that the U.S.S.R. was responsible for almost 80% of German casualties.

yes,and imagine without both urss and usa!

the axis would had great chances :lol:

generally speaking, nation’s don’t start wars that they know they are destined to lose. Germany had the ability to conquer russia between mid -1941- to mid- 1943.

if Germany invaded Greece then Russia, yes, i believe the AXIS would have won, but Hitler relied on the Italians for the job which was a failure

if it wasnt for the failure of Stahlingrad, Axis most likely would have won

I think you guys are forgetting the U.S. here. America was no pushover during the war with HUGE industrial might and an almost limitless amount of men willing to enlist (or forced through drafting). The fact that Germany valued quality over quanity in a slow, but surely changing times where the victor was decided by numbers, rather than the quality. This was most apparent in World War I.

if germany, forsay, made it to the caucasus and took the wells instead of wasting a lot of time at stalingrad, they may have taken over white industrial russia by early 1943. Fewer of germany’s well trained 1939-1943 troops would be dead.

while the us has great industrial might, once white russia is taken over, germany’s panzer divisions/paratroopers could relocate to the italian/western fronts. france, instead of having 10 panzer divisions in the summer of 1944 could probably have 30-40. (by 1944, over 50 panzer and panzergrenadier divisions were maintained by the german army)

As well as, perhaps, around 100 infantry divisions from the ostfront could be transferred to both fronts.

Its virtually inpossible for a Us/uk seaborne invasion of france to defeat 3-4 times as many panzer divisions gathered around the landing zones.
(historically, just 10 caused much trouble)

Germany could not beat the UK, simple as that. The Kriegsmarine didn’t have a hope of escorting an invasion fleet made up of canal barges against the might of the Royal Navy Home Fleet. Air superiority, even if the Luftwaffe could have won the Battle of Britain, would have made no difference, since the bombs of the Luftwaffe were not heavy enough to damage the heavy battleships and aircraft carriers of the RN.

It would have taken a series of complete fuck ups by the British for the Germans to even have a chance.

i believe if the Lufftwaffe had control over the British skies then the Germans basically rolled out the red carpet for them to go and grab Britain, but to maintain control over Britain would most defiantly be a hard task

Would the Royal Navy just have sat in port and watched them come over then?

If Germans only could conquer Britain, than even the USA would be helpless. Without free country in Europe, starting the second front could be much more difficult. But maybe instead of Normandy, USA would invade Italy or Balkans from Africa.

Excusing the fact that the deserts of north Africa would have been under German control?

Would the Royal Navy just have sat in port and watched them come over then?[/quote]

bomb from German planes once they got control of the skies

the navy would b sitting sucks

Would the Royal Navy just have sat in port and watched them come over then?[/quote]

bomb from German planes once they got control of the skies

the navy would b sitting sucks[/quote]

As I said above, the Luftwaffe didn’t have a bomb which would penetrate the deck armour of the British battleships and aircraft carriers.

Also - check out how much of a ‘sitting duck’ navy got sank off Crete during the evacuation there.

He hasnt got a clue and its not a Subaru! - Im a genius!

Welcome to the mad world that is WW2 in Colour.

However, this has been fought out before. Please check the could Germany have won ww2 thread.

They had AP bombs & torpedos that were both capable of sinking our capital ships; in fact their bombs were in advance of the Japanese & look what they did to Prince of Wales & Repulse.

If the UK was lnocked out of the War in 1940, then Germany would have taken the USSR, along with a “me too” attack by Japan from their puppet State in China.

The US would have been safe until the Germans perfected the A Bomb & an aircraft to carry it, unless the US beat them to it - which would have been unlikely without the added incentive of a free UK in need of aid.

The Germans didn’t have a torpedo bomber in 1940 though Torpor, and I’ll try and find the link again that said they didn’t have a bomb that could sink battleships - look at how poorly they did against the Royal Navy off Crete though.

the british lost 3 cruisers, 7 destoryers, 1 aircraft carrier sunk with 2 battleships, 6 crusiers, and 7 destoryers badly damaged at crete

the raf, also lost 47 aircraft.

this doesn’t seem that bad, for the german side.[/quote]