Couple Questions On Value

I was wondering if anyone has any idea of how much a few things I have are worth. I am not looking to sell but I really don’t know how much these things are worth either.

  1. I have my uncles overcoat jacket very good condition no moths holes or anything has his 12th Division patches on it and everything.
  2. His shirt he wore the button down one you know what I am talking about 8) that is also in excellent condition as well.
  3. A German medic armband very good condition all lettering and everythign intact on all the items listed above. I know they must fetch a good few bucks I just am not sure exactly how much? I aslo wasn’t sure if this belonged in this forum or not. If not move it to its proper place. Thanks!

Try a detailed search on Ebay as just about everything can be priced, if you want to maximise your selling price just place ex SAS prior to any description there are a million and one walts out there who will bite there arms off to buy.

Well I am not looking to put it on Ebay for sale. Just curious as to the value. I saw a German tunic for like 695 dollars and Allied material is priced rather cheaply compared to that. I guess German uniforms are more fiercly saught after. I couldn’t find it though on there They ahve some stuff but his was rather long kind like trenchcoat length.

correct me if im rong, but i dont believe that you dont have to list it on ebay to find out how much it would be worth on ebay.

no you don’t but they dont have what i am looking for on ebay from what i could find. aside from that you need a sellers acount i only have a buyers. 8)

Button one down thingy or what ever.

Sorry, don’t have a scoobie what you mean. Did he get a medel? Did he get shot what?