Cpt Prahl

I think we should re-open his Thread Tangent thread http://ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9446 to give him the opportunity to reply to mods posts. Although he’s just as likely to crash and burn in the process.

I’m actually kind of irritated that you guys posted on there. I locked it for two reasons - to prevent Cpt Prahl tampering with the evidence of him being a complete cock, and to calm things down to stop him crayoning all over the forum. Both of your posts are just going to have the opposite effect - so I’ve had to reopen the thread to keep him in there rather than all over the site. Not happy.

What about this guy anyway?
He’s showing up here every few months and impresses with arrogance and annoying know-it-all attitude in his posts.
Two days ago he PM’d me and told me he’ll be in my town in June. Now he asked for a meeting and if I could act as a guide. Normally no problem, however…

Btw, from German-English dictionary

prahlen - to boast about sth., to show off, to brag (about sth.),
to vapour

Prahlhans - strutter, braggadocian, swaggerer

I wouldn’t have locked the thread. I think his accusations and comments deserved the responses they got.

I got a predictable PM from him, which just confirms my view that he’s a minor nut case with a big chip on his shoulder and an even bigger opinion of himself.

Nice to see you unlock a thread (at your convience) just to cast more mud call me hypocrate strict your the facist, you didnt even read the whole thread you just skimmed as most arrogant assholes do.

You people better get it together If I have to call the owner of this site to have this dealt with I Will.

Your job is to moderate and be fair and reasonable, and to follow a code of conduct that shouldnt ever be abused or contadicted, OTW you are not doing your job this Thread of mine was more to fish out the abusers and prove to the Boss that something has to be done to change this.

The treatment of who was it Joel109 was unreasonable and showed me after a 1 year vacation that this place has gotten worse not better.

Call me a hypocrate hows this I rebuttleed a statement in the BAR post because the claims were unfounded.

And as a real historian I have alot more knowedge that you could ever learn or know about the US Army in WW II.

So go ahead try to have me banned I’ll go way over your head right to the creator of this site of which I have had contact with.

I garentee in the end you will lose your admin status not to mention a few other immature egoistic abusers.

Now Straighten up your act!

I think you’ll regret it if you meet him. You could end up with your very own stalker.

The ‘prahl’ definitions are very apt.

Well, after this PM you got this meeting won’t going to happen anyway, we should boot him rightaway although PM’s are a special matter.

Nah, we’ve had a dream run for ages with none of the usual nutters and trolls.

We can tolerate Prahl for a while, if only to see whether there is any boundary to this professional, albeit semi-literate, historian’s conceit.

Assuming, of course, that his great mate the site owner doesn’t sack us all and replace us with Prahl. :wink: :smiley:

I’ve exchanged interesting PMs with Prahl, who persists with his determination to rid the site of me and other unsatisfactory mods and admins he’s been watching for the past year, so you’re all in the shit when he gets his great mate the site owner to act on his instructions.

If Prahl doesn’t suffer from an intellectual disability well beyond the dyslexia he mentioned in a previous post, he suffers from a psychiatric problem.

Anyway, if he keeps it up I’m going to blame everything on Panzerknacker, so we should all be safe. :wink: :smiley:

Hmmm… you reckon we should get Procyon to publically do the honours of giving this guy the boot if he keeps this up? Should add to the amusement value :smiley:

Nah, I wouldn’t boot him.

That’s what he wants in his current condition, as the irrational voice of the supposedly oppressed.

It’s instructive that he suddenly started posting at a great rate over the past few days. I suspect that that reflects a deterioration in his mental condition, whether it’s some sort of bi-polar or other state. Or maybe his wife, or dog, just left him. And I understand why. :smiley:

Unless he goes over the top on the board, which he might well do, I’d leave him alone. He’s having too much fun telling me what a bastard I am, which merely adds him to a fairly large throng of similar and vigorously expressed opinion. :smiley:

Just so other mods can share the delights of dealing with Prahl’s trenchant criticisms of mods etc, here is most of our latest exchange.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
You are so full of it If I am so wrong then where is my warning?

We don’t warn people for being wrong, stupid, or conceited, partly because it’s not likely to make them correct, intelligent, or balanced.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
Example what the hell does all the useless bs about germans using the BAR supposedly have to do with someone asking a very specific question?

You tell me. You were the main contributor on that irrelevant point.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
oh your so kind to unlock the thread so if it was unlocked why wasnt I able to make a post?

I don’t know.

Maybe it was beyond your ability.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
Get your shit together.

I’ve done that.

What should I do with my shit now?

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
also there is something called intelectual infringement.

But I’ll get into that one later.

I can’t wait. Don’t keep us in suspense too long for this great revelation.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
so if I’m so wrong then why havent you guys banned me yet like I have witnessed happen many times.

Because just being wrong, stupid, conceited and generally off the beam doesn’t warrant banning.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
and just because I havent posted or logged in in almost a year doenst mean I havent been watching anonmously for 12 months wathing this site deterorate to you and several other admins making this your own personal playgroung and pissing contest.

I’m not an admin. I’m just a lowly mod.

However, in the interests of allowing your concerns to be considered, would you care to name all the mods and admins who have been making this site our personal playground while you’ve been watching and contributing fuck all to it for the past 12 months while the admins and mods have been putting up with shit from fuckwits like you and generally donating a lot of their valuable time to enable this site to function for the benefit of most of the other members who don’t share your peculiar animosity towards us.

And if you’re not prepared to name them, you’re an even bigger blowhard than you have already shown yourself to be.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
How old are you 12?

No. I’m only seven, but I’m big for my age.

What I find fascinating is how Capt. Pricks and Prahl is online right now with stevey14/88. I’m having a hard time believing that this is some mere cosmic coincidence. This is a painfully obvious troll, or Prahl is completely psychotic as no one can really be upset over a silly internet small arms thread…

Capt_Prahl on other boards:


Apparently, he’s a self-anointed “American historian living in Sweden.” :smiley: I so love it when people talk about their intrinsic knowledge while seemingly displaying almost none :lol:


His website which seems to indicate that he limits his understanding of WWII to his grandfather, what happened on D-Day, and his uniform:





I just came to the same conclusion independently a few minutes ago.

We are all part of the cosmos. Spooky!

I’m just hurt and jealous that I didn’t get any PMs. :frowning:

I don’t know if pdf27 got any, but if he did, then I am the only “fascist mod” who didn’t. :slight_smile:

It’s the collective mod unconscious explained in Jung’s guide to internet message board administration…

Well, Prahl is posting from a Swedish residential IP address, while Stevey sadly no longer has any posts to check his IP from :frowning:

And no, I didn’t get any PMs - that isn’t so bad, I was feeling rather left out. Why does RS* get all the freaks PMing him all the time? I’m senior to him, I should get at least some of the freaks PMing me too

<stalks off in a huff>

pdf27 may be a little conservative, but I wouldn’t call him a fascist. :smiley:

Here’s my latest missive from numb nuts Prahl. I haven’t bothered fixing up his lack of facility with quotes.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
oh your so kind to unlock the thread so if it was unlocked why wasnt I able to make a post?

I don’t know.
Sure as hell didnt work when I tried to reply to your post
Maybe it was beyond your ability.
Once again childish insults and more bullshit

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
Get your shit together.

I’ve done that.
Hardly if you resort to insults and ego lofting see your comment below

What should I do with my shit now?
keep throwing it you wont win points with me!

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
also there is something called intelectual infringement.
replied to in the begining

But I’ll get into that one later.

I can’t wait. Don’t keep us in suspense too long for this great revelation.
Once again arrogance

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
so if I’m so wrong then why havent you guys banned me yet like I have witnessed happen many times.

I have seen you erace Joels thread

Because just being wrong, stupid, conceited and generally off the beam doesn’t warrant banning.

once again bullshit Joel is a good example erasing his post is just as bad as banning

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
and just because I havent posted or logged in in almost a year doenst mean I havent been watching anonmously for 12 months wathing this site deterorate to you and several other admins making this your own personal playgroung and pissing contest.

I’m not an admin. I’m just a lowly mod.
Guess so seems like your trying to become one so you can flex more power and be an arrogant intilectual

However, in the interests of allowing your concerns to be considered, would you care to name all the mods and admins who have been making this site our personal playground while you’ve been watching and contributing fuck all to it for the past 12 months while the admins and mods have been putting up with shit from fuckwits like you and generally donating a lot of their valuable time to enable this site to function for the benefit of most of the other members who don’t share your peculiar animosity towards us.

Oh your so kind what crap

And if you’re not prepared to name them, you’re an even bigger blowhard than you have already shown yourself to be.
Im the blow hard interesting you and your buddy Nickfresh resorted to insults first not me.

Originally Posted by Cpt_Prahl
How old are you 12?

No. I’m only seven, but I’m big for my age.
you sure as hell act like it.

Pull your ego out of you ass n m8 if I met you in person you’d shut the hell up or I´’d shut you up if you insulted me like you have here in person I’d kick you ass so hard you wouldnt know what hit you.

so keep reading your books and acting like a know it all it won’t serve you well in life you’ll just make more enemies. but here at least you have you anonimity and can hide in computer land, makes it easier to be an asshole doesnt it.´

Next time keep your childish insults to yorself all you did was prove me right. you are an arrogant self absorbed egomaniac with no sesitivity towards other and that is that.

Now, the big question is: was Joel109 or whatever he was one of the stevey type?

Because if he was, I think we know where Prahl sits, and why he and stevey are here now.

Flammenwerfer is really the lucky one. I mean imagine the exultation of meeting the glorious Cpt. Prahl himself. The all knowing dyslexic US Army historian living in Sweden and expert on shirts…