Crashed aircraft in Co. Cork 1940-1946

I’m not sure how accurate this info is but it might prove usefull to some one. (Actually ment to label it Crashed aircraft in Co.Cork 1940-1946)

I have seen a photo in a local news sheet with a crashed Ju-88, i think it might be 26th August 1941 crash but can’t be certain until i find someone with past copies of the news sheet.

An American B17 crashed in Clonakilty,Co.Cork, on April 7,1943.The crew were transported to Belfast and released to the British.Must check out that story about the JU,thanks.

Here’s another link for all of Ireland, contains a lot more info on the crashes and pilots.

Another interesting B-17 ten days after the one you mentioned, was fired on by Irish flak crews when it was on a flight from North Africa. It landed, refueled and took off again but three months after all but two of the crew were killed.
The site also has details on the Hurricanes that ended up in Air Corps service.