Create a fictional world war, choose who wins!

Ok, so this is a purely, 100% speculative thread.

Here’s the idea:
Ill start this whole thing off by creating the start of a war between a couple of nations. Each successive post will continue the war, adding some main event, adding some factions, etc. The end, and with it the victor, can arrive two ways: Every 5 pages (let's hope the thread lives that long;)), well make a poll, and if one faction gets an overwhelming majority of the votes, (75% +) they’ve won. The other ending is that a mod closes the thread, which I hope won’t happen:D

Let’s try to keep this somewhat realistic, no nation can simply be overrun without a couple of battles first, only 1 battle and 1 important event per post.

All this is set in Modern Day, not WW2 (That`s why it is Off-Topic)

Consider this some kind of experiment, if the discussion gets too offensive, personal or disrespectful I`ll immediately ask a mod to close it.

However, I hope we can keep this at a respectful level and just enjoy the What-If scenarios!

Let the Third World War begin:

Even though President Obama tried his best to get the United States out of a depression, this did not work. After his term, a new President gets elected, President Jarge. He begins an economic transformation, which bans any American Corporations from creating/buying their products from outside the US, creating huge international tensions while miraculously improving the own economy.

China, which feels isolated by this move, experiences exactly the opposite. Unemployment numbers go through the roof, the country experiences a huge depression. Hard core Communists (Sorry Chevan;)) get back into power, and immediately start huge militarization programs.
Russia feels threatened by the new Chinese threat at its borders, and starts to mobilize the troops, moving them towards the border in a defensive position.

Europe, which watches these events unfold with great worry, creates the EUDA, the European Union Defensive Alliance, which is practically a powerful, multi-national army consisting of all EU member nations’ armies and controlled by the EU special defense committee.

About a year after all this happens, the situation slowly starts to ease up, when the Chinese People’s Leader suddenly gets assassinated by a sniper during the very first negotiations. Chinese troops mobilize and move out…

Where are they going? How do the other nations react? You guys choose, I hope you show some creativity!!!

OK, my dear Mr. Schultz: this will be a very short war. Switzerland, possessing the greatest per capita reserves of solid gold, and deeply interested for peaceful international cooperation, initiates an worldwide alliance with the name Mercenaries of Sanity, completes an immediate pact with Austria and Sweden, and blocks the most important electrical power-grid interconnection in Vorarlberg.

Without sufficient amount of electricity, total manufacturing capacity of the EU (except France and Norway) is in danger of extinction, therefore wide international negotiations took place at East River. Hostilities are postponed, peace is preserved, and the business is carried as usual. :smiley:

In a shocking turn of events, the Swiss leader gets killed by Chinese Ultranationalists who, with the support of the Government, organized a major bombing attack on Geneva, a move that horrifies and outrages the public. Even though China tried to get the EUDA on its side with this move, it has the opposite effect.

Switzerland, realizing that this conflict cannot be ended peacefully and with a thirst for revenge, gives up its neutral stance, returns power to Europe, and together with its Allies joins the EUDA, which declares war on China.

At the same time, US Battleships make themselves on their way across the Pacific while China’s fleet blockades Japan.

PS: Don’t spoil the fun for everybody, Librarian. Also, you cheated, the war won’t end until a mod closes the thread or a clear victor has been chosen. :wink:

Russia realizing that the Chinese, along with their new allies in the Middle East, posse a greater threat to its own borders than the U.S. and the new European Alliance throws in its lot, amid much of tension, with the Western Powers. China realizes it is hopelessly out manned forms a coalition with North Korea, Iran, and various other nations in the Middle East and North Africa.

Then some fool little thing, such as China trying to retake Taiwan or an emboldened North Korea marching on South Korea is the spark that ignites World War III involving a multi front war in the Middle East, South Korea, and Manchuria while Naval battles ensue in the Pacific.

(Hopefully a worst case scenario here:shock:)

Not exactly, my dear Mr. Schuultz: your scenario was just a short interlude. Swiss army always was a soul of Swiss democracy! :cool:

Equipped with the intimate connection between military service and citizenship, our dearly beloved example of a state based upon direct democracy was capable to withstand that sad occurrence in no time. New president was elected two hours later on an informal Gritli Meadow Conference! Full control of armed forces was reestablished, power-lines disconnected, and the personal connections of the Swiss Guard in Vatican were able to persuade the Pope to decree another Urbi et Orbi proclamation, with a direct promise of assured allotment in Hell for every war-mongering Christian individual worldwide. It was indeed very effective mean of moral persuasion for all baptized souls. :smiley:

In addition, highly trained and devoted Israeli Trotskyite Conspirators from the Kibbutz Gvulot were able to break the entrance code of a secret nuclear facility in Hemed Gimmel, thus assuring immediate availability of secretly developed, state-of-the-art 5th generation MIRV type ICBM “Lamed-Waf”. Strongly assured by their ex-KGB colleagues that Russia will instantaneously accept Israel as a new Republic of the reestablished USSR, highly trained, brilliantly educated and deeply motivated Bnei Yisrael soldiers are launching 3 “Lamed-Waf” ICBMs equipped with 250 MT warheads high above the ground. Their carefully calculated detonations at 450 km altitude above the USA, China, and EU are inducing high electrical currents in all metallic objects, damaging all electrical and electronic equipment, including power grids, communication networks and computers. War is impossible, peace is ruling again.:lol:

PS: Don’t spoil the fun for everybody, Librarian. Also, you cheated, the war won’t end until a mod closes the thread or a clear victor has been chosen.

Sorry, my dear Mr. Schuultz, but this opportunity was simply irresistible for my old fashioned, hard-fact oriented soul. And don’t worry – definitely, I am not a fun-killer. Please, proceed. :wink:

Librarian Odakle si tacno.:wink:

Well Bulgaria always in the place of cross roads have to choose between it’s former liberators Russia and the EU , the goverment leaded by BSP ( ex communists ) choose to ally the country with Russia and leave the EU/EUDA which results in treat of serious civil war as the other half of bulgarians want Bulgaria in EUDA and still remember the communist times . The pro-nationalistic party called "Attack " seize power and gain a regime and beg the EUDA for some technical power and new equipment for the army as by now the army is still with weapons from the Cold War period . BSP is banned as party and all leading communists are told to leave the country by 24 hours . The bulgarian goverment states that it’s clearly behind the side of EUDA and will support it with whatever it can . :slight_smile:

Russia considers the EUDA’s support for the Anti Russian party an attack on its National Interests and starts to move troops towards the Russian-Polish and Russian Czech Border.
The EUDA mobilizes its forces as well, and within two days the armies oppose each other on the Czech and Polish borders, both waiting for the order to attack.
America becomes nervous as China, which sees the weak alliance between the EUDA, Russia and the USA in crumples becomes more and more bold, eventually invading the Japanese islands.

Japanese airpower with strong backing from the U.S. Navy and the Royal Australian Navy decimate the Chinese fleet and air force in the Sea of Japan. Chinese forces on Japan are cut off and forced to withdraw to meet the new threat to the north as the North Korean Army is repulsed. The Russians and Chinese are locked in an uneasy stalemate along the Manchurian border.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that nobody wins if WWIII breaks out.

Iran, Iraqi, Saudi and Syrian forces march for an unsuspecting Turkey, which remains neutral in an attempt to both satisfy the Muslim population and keep at peace with Europe.
The Middle Eastern forces attack Europe at Greece and Bulgaria, and at the same time move through Southern Russia, where a militarily exhausted Russia has almost no troops stationed to protect, not expecting an assault from the south.
The Arab tactic of confusion works, and neither Europeans nor Russians know on whose side this new threat is. Rumors appear all throughout the front, and what starts out as accidental firefights turn into actual battles, as Europe and Russia have fallen into a sad war.
China, whose expedition force had to retreat from Japan, sets up defensive perimeters.

Librarian Odakle si tacno.

I know that it sounds pretty incredibly, but…. zaista sam iz Sente, dragi moj gospodine Lutz – iz uboge vojvođanske provincije, koja je u svojim snovima uvek nastojala da bude deo velikog, nedostižnog sveta. :wink:

In a bold move, China sees the weakness of the arab states now that their troops are in Turkey and move their expeditionary forces from defensive positions to occupy the rich oil fields of these unprotected countries.

that’s the kind of post i wanted to see :smiley:

the Arab troops, horrified to see their former Chinese Allies stab them in their backs retreat from the western front and move towards the east.
But the Damage is done, Europe and Russia are at war.

The U.S. Navy experiences a shattering defeat when two Nimitz class aircraft carriers as well as one experimental Gerald R. Ford class carrier got sunk by a fleet of Chinese submarines, some of which are suspected to have used a new kind of torpedo, possibly even nuclear…

Altough the us takes horrible naval defeats in the pacific they are still able to attack the chinese blackade with the help of the u.s.s aircraft carrier nancy regan which with the help of the new f-25 fighter bombers breaks the blockade

Nuclear torpedoes are pretty old tech, and Carriers sail with fairly large groups to keep them safe from just that sort of thing. Nuke torps are as dangerous to the attacker as to the target. (Just a bit of tech to go with the story, good job so far.)

Left with little or no opposition since the arab countries militaries are focused on China, Israel is able to expand it’s sphere of influence. Which China does little about because of Israels nuclear capabilities (albeit probably small).

US comes in and kicks ass and ends the war /thread

The US and Russia nuke the whole world, THE END.

China and the Middle Eastern Nations declare a truce, with both seeing more immediate threats in the USA and Israel, respectively.

Russian troops are being slowly pushed away from the Polish and Czech borders, but at horrendous costs, both on material and humans.

U.S. Marines land in South Korea and immediately help them defend themselves against North Korea, while the US navy starts an artillery barrage on Hong Kong and Beijing