Cross of Iron

IMHO a really excellent film about WW2.

A few stereotypes going on, I’ll admit (the sensitive new soldier, the old style Prussian officer, the Nazi loyalist, the hard-bitten sergeant etc etc)
but Sam Pekinpah’s only WW2 film is a gem by any standards.

Great acting by James Coburn, James Mason, David Warner and Maximillian Schell, with Pekinpah’s trademark bloody battle scenes (long before SPR and the like raised the bar), T 34s charging about, the interplay of all the characters and some great dialogue.

[i]Colonel Brandt: What will we do when we have lost the war?
Captain Kiesel: Prepare for the next one

Captain Stransky: Alright. I’ll do it. I’will show you how a Prussian officer fights.
Sargeant Steiner: And I will show you where the Iron Crosses grow.

Kern: Do you believe in God, Sergeant?
Sargeant Steiner: I believe God is a sadist, but probably doesn’t even know it

Colonel Brandt: Why did you ask to be relieved of duty in France?
Captain Stransky: I want to get the Iron Cross.
Colonel Brandt: [reaching into his pockets] We can give you one of mine.[/i]

If you don’t love this film, you’re obviously a weirdo.

You could always find my FOO team in the dark by listening for the snatches of CoI dialogue bandied about.

I hope you all enjoyed the film as much as I did.

The book was written by Willi Heinrich (Sp?)

The film was good, but the book was better.

The book starts where the film ends. I think its maybe time for more films about the Ostfront and all its true nature.

Mega movie !
Well worth seeing, and Coburn’s last line, (given by FB above,) is a classic flick moment.

Agree with Firefly that the book was better, but then isn’t it often so ?

Put me off getting a bj from a Russian bint for ages though…
Hold on, no it didn’t, it just put me off getting one while dressed as a Nazi ! :lol:

Good story,great actors-a fine film.

Yes, I agree, a great film.

Apparently the depiction of the base resemble those of the River Mius in 1943 (cf. Tim Ripley’s Waffen-SS).

Also, there is an extra 2 hours of film which have been lost. From memory, they filled with more sexual innuendo and did not make it into the public release.

One of the best movies ever I think David Warner should have gotten an Oscar for his role

Very good movie, my grandfathers -who both fought on the eastern front- said it comes close to reality…
The second part sucks big time though. Onlyy thing I did not like about Cross of Iron was this gay stuff…

Ah, yes…Sam Peckinpah’s look at the Third Reich from the sharp end…

Maximillion Schell was the real scene stealer…the film catches him combing his hair on at least three occasions…and referring to himself as an “heroic horses arse”…

The opening title sequence shows the POWER of celluloid and music…it would have done Joe Goebbels PROUD…and that sweet little voice singing the very well known kindergarten song “Hansien Kliene” (“Little Hans”)…unforgettable…

Agree with Coburns last line as a classic, telling Schell he would lead him to where “the iron crosses grow”…Schell fires, but doesn’t know how to reload…their Soviet “boy soldier” opponent is similarly handicapped, and rolls his eyes in a gesture that makes me laugh as much as Steiner was…

And that last shot, trailing off from Steiners demonic hooting to a SERIOUS set of photos showing the execution of three partisans in the Ukraine…shattering finish…I wish the other two hours of the film was available for a “directors cut”…

Classic cinema…I still find myself occasionally whistling “Hansien Kliene”…such is the power of cinematic propaganda…

Very impressive, the song and the pictures.

Hänschen klein
Ging allein
In die weite Welt hinein.
Stock und Hut
Steht ihm gut,
Ist gar wohlgemut.
Doch die Mutter weinet sehr,
Hat ja nun kein Hänschen mehr!
„Wünsch dir Glück!“
Sagt ihr Blick,
„Kehr’ nur bald zurück!“
Sieben Jahr
Trüb und klar
Hänschen in der Fremde war.
Da besinnt
Sich das Kind,
Eilt nach Haus geschwind.
Doch nun ist’s kein Hänschen mehr.
Nein, ein großer Hans ist er.
Braun gebrannt
Stirn und Hand.
Wird er wohl erkannt?
Eins, zwei, drei
Geh’n vorbei,
Wissen nicht, wer das wohl sei.
Schwester spricht:
„Welch Gesicht?“
Kennt den Bruder nicht.
Kommt daher die Mutter sein,
Schaut ihm kaum ins Aug hinein,
Ruft sie schon:
„Hans, mein Sohn!
Grüß dich Gott, mein Sohn!“

I liked the action scenes. But the fact that they all spoke english ruined it for me especially Steiner who spoke fluent english throughout the film. Also the end was really weird with Steiner laughing and that russian kid with mp-40. I felt like the ending ruined the movie too! The message didn’t get to me clearly cause i was confused with the ending.

How can anyone not like this film? Is the book better…? Yes. But what a film!

“You prefer the company to men…admit it! He said yes! He said YES!”

Holy old thread batman! The Original Poster died a couple of years ago!

I have to admit, I have not seen the entire thing yet, but what I’ve seen I liked. then again, I like pretty much everything James coburn is in anyway.

For what I know ,the film ends abruptly for the simple reason that they ran out of money.Can somebody confirm that?
Very good movie IMO.

I think I may have read just that. There was supposed to be a bit more action, with Steiner and Stransky fighting together.

The ending is fitting really, end of the 3rd Reich, end of the directors drunken career (more or less - his last decent film).

Well, according to the IMDb site:

According to Vadim Glowna, Sam Peckinpah emptied four whole Bottles of Whiskey or Wodka during every entire day of shooting while only sleeping approximately only 3 or 4 hours per Night.

The liquor budget definitely drained funds from the film…

Ha,I always thought it was little chicken, not little Hans… Tanker’s ears I guess…:slight_smile:

I’ve actually never seen this film. I thought I had, but believe I’m confusing it with another film in which Richard Burton plays a “hard-bitten,” cynical German NCO. Anyone know the film I’m talking about?

In the process of acquiring Cross of Iron now…

:D…that would be “Hähnchen klein”, right?

In Germany this movie (the one with Burton) is known as “Cross of Iron 2”. It never reaches the intensity and the atmosphere of the original movie staring James Coburn. I guess Richard Burton also appeared too much as a British gentleman to personify this disaffected Eastern Front warhorse.