Crying for their fallen sons - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Crying for their fallen sons

Women, accompanied by Soviet soldiers, cry in agony as they scour a battlefield for their fallen loved ones. Sadly I found the picture with basically no additional information other than its Soviet origins. Schuultz

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This photo dates from sometime in 1942 and shows the aftermath of a German massacre of civilians in the Crimea. It is highly published image that is used to exemplify the horrific human cost of the war in the Soviet Union. I read one estmate of 26,000,000 dead (12 million military and 14 million civilian).

Photo is called "Grief", taken near Kerch/Crimea by Dmitry Baltermants.

Hm. Apparently the picture is much more well known than I thought. Can’t say I had ever consciously seen it before. Oh well.