Cuts reclamations:

While we know you are a completely different entity to the young man known as Erwin Schätzer and Sturmtruppen, etc., those last two deletions echo his ‘moderation’ very closely.

I’m sure that as a moderator you are well aware of the rules here, but just to inform others not as gifted as yourself I shall mention them again.

The second point is the salient one here.

Furthermore I would like to remind the lesser mortals, myself included, of the moderating faciity. (Which has actually been raised to a level where us filthy proles cannot contaminate the thread.)

I believe Panzerknacker, that this would also apply to yourself.
Unless it is purely for us untermenchen.

Taking part in a debate is fine, but deleting posts that shake your fragile ego is a sign of someone that perhaps should not hold the ‘power’ he enjoys.

In other words if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen…

…or the Falklands - the result is the same.

Reference the above post:

It’s not the panto season.

All right another one check this if I am wrong or what :rolleyes:

While it seems that he is taking a small jab at you … it is okay with the rules that were posted. I see this one from both sides. Tough call!

PK what action would you suggest? Or thinking about?

:wink: Being a fireman right now I rather suggest that any mods should abtain to moderate in delicate situations involving his country (like me with Chevan back on Romania in ww2, like PK in Falkland/Malvinas, etc).

Anyway, I informed Cuts that his posts weren’t deleted but moved behind the curtain. MAybe would be a good ideea to move back his posts and to find a resonable dealing with this situation.

By the way GS, apologise for delaying in answering your request. I was and am very busy this week. Soon your request will be fulfilled.

  1. It becomes very hard to moderate things that touch your home country. It was hard for me to not get pissed with the American Masscre in Korea and Chevan thread. Eventually I just withdrew from the thread. Plus there was some decent evidence to support the claim. So if it did happen tell ya the truth I would rather read about it and not talk about it.

PK maybe it would be better if you try and not mod there unless you have too. Im not telling you…just advising. Also you might want to reach out on a personal level. Somebody posts something you dont like … Tell them that and see what the reaction is. Ill leave it up to you on what to do in the future. Also might help if you see things from the other side. Try a thread about a war the Brits lost. Not for vengence but to understand the where some of these guys are coming from. How interested would they be in discussing a war in which the tables are reversed. Just an idea!

I will say I am getting awful tired of this section of the forum. If things persist you guys (meaning anyone associated with that section) will find it all missing. I know alot of ppl want it open yet I feel its keeps drawing us away from things we could better put our efforts to.

  1. Thanks PK and Dani. Again why we have this room. Plus its good for the members to know we discuss situations. Remeber if the members lose confidence in the staff … they leave. I dont think this helps anything.

  2. No worries. When ever

PK what action would you suggest? Or thinking about?

Mi action would leave entirely the moderation to others like You, Dania, Firefly, Tiger, but I guess that I am too "button happy " to wait the others.

  1. It becomes very hard to moderate things that touch your home country. It was hard for me to not get pissed with the American Masscre in Korea and Chevan thread. Eventually I just withdrew from the thread. Plus there was some decent evidence to support the claim. So if it did happen tell ya the truth I would rather read about it and not talk about it.

Is hard yes, but ithink everybody could differenciate between a guy who spend some time looking for info to post (me in this case) and some that only made 3 words posting (Cuts in this case)

PK maybe it would be better if you try and not mod there unless you have too. Im not telling you…just advising. Also you might want to reach out on a personal level. Somebody posts something you dont like … Tell them that and see what the reaction is. Ill leave it up to you on what to do in the future.

Agree, Ill try to do not moderate in that section anymore since every of my actions is anoyying to 2 “respectable” members

Also might help if you see things from the other side. Try a thread about a war the Brits lost. Not for vengence but to understand the where some of these guys are coming from. How interested would they be in discussing a war in which the tables are reversed. Just an idea!

The battle for good looking women ??? :mrgreen: , sorry but that is just not my stile.

And did not agree with moving back this.

All-Around Good Posting Medal

  • For his good pictures and info that he digs up, apart from his occaisional blinds from bad info sources that should know better.

If you you going to give recomendations accusing me of be “blinded” for wrong information wich is lie you should not give me nothing at all.

I dont need any condescendant crap specially coming from you.

Avoid to to include me in your list in the future.

I will include you if I wish.

The blinds (being misfires of a explosive device not a slur on your vision) were the books that you yourself admitted may be wrong. Specificaly where the wreckage of a harrier may be (Goose Green or Port Stanley)

Don’t be so uptight and I certainly didn’t mean to be condesceding.

I actually feel your input is a great contribution to this site, much more than my own.

You tw at.

The book “Air war for the Flaklands” by Osprey have several mistakes.

I make one mistake to beleive that source in the location of the wreck of Sea Harrier, and I post that with good faith not with the purpose to demining any opinion.

In any case a little mistake does make plurals.

I actually feel your input is a great contribution to this site, much more than my own.

Really ? kidding .:rolleyes:

You tw at.

Are you testing me kid?

Well, know this NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY, if you are so keen to gave away insults to the moderators you should be aware of the th retribution.

Panzerknacker, I never actually said you did any difference. I merely wrote down what I thought, and that included that although you have posted some good stuff. You have suffered occaisionally from relying on one source book rather than an array.

If I remember correctly we debunked the location of the Harrier wreckage in one google. I ALWAYS try to find alternative sources before putting forward my comment/post.

You have made similar mistakes in the past, I just haven’t recorded them.

Grow up. Learn to take complements, even off people who you don’t neccesarily see eye to eye with.

Don’t try to sound like you are in Top Gun. I am several years your senior, kid. As a moderator, you moderate a website. Don’t bandy it about like it means anything substantial outside of this site.

You accuse ME of being condescending then act like a complete prat by acting like you’re the big guy. Get a grip.

Aware of the retribution? Have a word.

As for the infraction. My usual response, and somehow I will get through the day and sleep soundly tonight I am a sure.

As said before, if you don’t want to get called something, don’t act like it.