Cyprus Issue

can it ever be resolved?

I thought it had.

oh no my friend
one of Turkeys conditions for joining EU is that Turkey has to recognise Cyprus as a state

and its not resolved as 1/3rd of the Island is still occupied by Mainland Turks

Well I for one say that it should be an independant country, you mean it isnt?

see this is a tricky situation for people to understand that dont know of this issue

The Greek side which is the independant side is obviously independant and is part of the EU. The Greek side of Cyprus is just simply referred to as Cyprus.

The Turks however dont recognise Cyprus as a country. In 1974 the Turks invaded 1/3rd of Cyprus to ‘protect’ the Turkish minority on the island. However the Turks turned the northern part of Cyprus, which they invaded to a ‘independant’ country, and they have there own Prime Minister and all

However only Turkey recognises this government in Northern Cyprus. The Mainland Turks try to make out as if they have nothing to do with Northern Cyprus as a country, which obviously, no-one is stupid to believe

which makes this stupid, obviously the Greek Cypriots want Northern Cyprus returned back to them

You had me untll the last line. Did the greek Cypriots occupy northern Cyprus, or are they mainly Turkish Cypriots?

What I mean is, did the Turks kick out the Greek cypriots from the North in 1974, or was the population mainly Turkish?

Ummm… I’d have to take issue with at least some large chunks of that. I’ve certainly seen a fair bit of evidence to suggest that the Turkish Cypriots were having a very hard time from the Greek Cypriots shortly before the Turkish invasion (not sure if it quite qualifies as “ethnic cleansing”, but my understanding is that it was along those lines).
As for the Greek Cypriots wanting unity, there was a reunification proposal which had the backing of the EU & UN, and was accepted by the Greek and Turkish governments. The Turkish Cypriots accepted it in a referendum (despite the general international view being that they were giving up more). The Greek Cypriots rejected it on the grounds they thought they could get more. This episode created a hell of a lot of goodwill towards the Turks in the EU as a whole, and really sabotaged the Greek Cypriots chances of getting any goodies from the EU in the near future.

The population wasn’t Turkish.
There were a lot of Turkish-Cypriots,but the majority were Greek-Cypriots.
After the invasion (wich found Greeks in one of they worst times in history-since Greece was under military dictatorship) most male Greek-Cypriots were massacred and the rest of the population evacuated the northern side of the island.
Turkey brought Turks from the mainland wich occupied the Greek-Cypriot houses and took over all Greek-Cypriot business.

The population wasn’t Turkish.
There were a lot of Turkish-Cypriots,but the majority were Greek-Cypriots.
After the invasion (wich found Greeks in one of they worst times in history-since Greece was under military dictatorship) most male Greek-Cypriots were massacred and the rest of the population evacuated the northern side of the island.
Turkey brought Turks from the mainland wich occupied the Greek-Cypriot houses and took over all Greek-Cypriot business.[/quote]

I cant doubt your facts there as I really dont know about it.

But I was asking, was the North of Cyprus mainly populated with Greeks or Turks?

Sorry i thought i’ve answered that.
Of course it was mainly populated by Greek-Cypriots.

Sorry reading back I realise that you said that.

Do you know at all what the proportion of Greek and Turkish population was at the time?

In 1973 there were 65811 Greek-Cypriots and 22555 Turkish-Cypriots residing in the 200 villages of the northern part.

The minority Turkish Cypriot population in the north of the island were being discriminated against & abused by a small minority of Greek Nationalist extremists, whose aim was to make them leave.
These actions backfired on the idiots & brought about the current situation.
The Greek Cypriot population did themselves no favours by voting “No” to the last proposals, whereas a “Yes” vote would have benefitted them more than the Turkish Cypriots.

Ultranationalism is a terrible thing.

Ultranationalism is a terrible thing.

tell me about it!sadly,both sides suffer from this disease.

I think that both sides need to have their heads banged together. Cyprus has a tourist driven economy and while divisions remain within the Islands population they will fail to take full advantage of the tourist income and be able to reap the benifits of them.

easy for somefrom from the UK to say that ehh

partly Britains fault that Cyprus is in this shit

also The Brits control two areas of Cyprus which you can read about on CIA world Factbook

the areas the Brits also occupy are Dhekelia and Akrotiri

You had to go and spoil the debate.

Yes the UK has bases in Cyprus. But they are part of the UK.

i have absolutely no problem with the Brits having control of Dhekelia and Akrotiri as its LEGALLY Britain as it was part of the condition of Cyprus being independent, and now it also brings security for the Greek Cypriots incase the Turks try to invade more of Cyprus