Czech antitank rifle. What a monster.

Look this :shock:

Rifle zk-382 calibre 7,92 x…some, is a very large shell.

The rifle use the “bullpup” configuration, is a manually bolt lock operated and seems to be loaded with 5 rounds clip.

Unfortunately I havent a picture of the muzzle but there must be some kind of muzzle brake there.

Now that is a novel design, well thought out. Was the caliber chosen due to restrictions as with the German designs? I have never heard of this rifle, quite a find! Good work P.K.

It was designed before the german ocupation , I ll try to find more.

I remember the Germans had to restrict the bore diameter of their A.T. rifles,(Treaty of Versailles) so they made some hyper velocity small bore rifles, and the ammo looks kind of like that used in the Czech rifle. But I like the Czech rifle better, its cool.

Here are some more informations and factory drawings of the ammo.
The heads are made of steel and the rest is made of bras.

GK Ich liebe dich.:slight_smile:

Before WW II Zbrojovka Brno make experiment with a number of types anti-tank rifles in a few calibers (15mm, 12mm and 7,92 mm). Along WW II were manufacture rifles for cartridge personal construction 15x104 (15 mm Besa). These cartridges have had indeed small effectivity.
Cartridges on photograph are Czech experiment 7,92 mm ZVV (7,92 x 145). Cartridge case be real two-piece - iron head and brass cartridge case. Head is able to have two longitude - 22 mm (photo) and 8,6 mm. Sort on weight powder meanwhile isn’t know. Bullet has been probably armour-piercing, weight now also isn’t know. From archives Zbrojovka Brno succeed find out data for speed - muzzle velocity is 1.270 - 1.320 m/s. This is very very high gear and penetration have to be very good. These cartridges wasn’t normal manufacture.

7,92x145 …:shock:, 1320 meters per second :!:, that figures are awesome.

My guessing is that with this muzzle speed probably would defeat any armor vehicle displayed by the germans until 1941.

In the year 1941 Zbrojovka Brno construct experimental cartridge with calibre bullet 15 mm. Was be named “15 mm PzB 42”. Cartridge case had longitude 156 mm and originate adaptation case for 20 mm Solothurn. Muzzle velocity has been 1260 m/sith, weight armor-piercing tracer projectile 80 gramme. Cartridge was only experimental.

Hehe, that already know that, I have a picture of that rifle, the “Panzerbüchse 42” was the german response to the 14,5 mm russian rifles. But it was a requeriment fullfilled by several german firms, not only czech.

A drawing of the 7,92x145mm case, that is big.

Interesting fact:

When Soviets and Americans bombed Brno, they hited many buildings in Brno but Zbrojovka ( there were producted weapons for Germans) wasn’t hit. GREAT ACCURACY :mrgreen:

I remind it when I read about Zbrojovka. I’m sorry if you will regard it like a spam.

Well the Soviets probably did not bomb the Wearpon Factory in Brno.
But Americans bombed it, coz the Cheshoslovakia should be in a soviet zone of occupation- therefore they had not reason to miss it like they leaved the Ford’s plans in GErmany out of zone bombing;)

I remind it when I read about Zbrojovka. I’m sorry if you will regard it like a spam.

If you continue to include this prhase in all your post that will be spam, so no more.

OK, I’ll not use this phrase. I typed this phrase because it’s little offtopic. :wink:

I don’t understand but what did they bomb? Hmmmm?

Why Americans bombed our cities in Soviet zone of occupation(if they didn’t bomb weapon factory)?

Soviets hited probably (by trench guns )only one German post - castle Spilberk (czech origin is Špilberk, but your computer probably can’t display Czech symbols)

Photo of Spilberk probably from 40’s

Next interesting fact( :mrgreen: ):

Over the Brno Erich Hartmann shot down his last Soviet pilot, Yakovlev.

[b]I don’t understand but what did they bomb? Hmmmm?

Why Americans bombed our cities in Soviet zone of occupation(if they didn’t bomb weapon factory)? [/b]

I thinks its a little tongue in cheek, however I wouldnt let it drag you off topic and into something that has been gone over on other threads already.


bla bla bla, I don’t want to make new thread for all messages.

Man.When You aren’t in war,use fishing :slight_smile:

the british had a simular weapon the boys antitank rifle

czecz at that time was where the german and italians had they secret projects, or more specifically their scientist because it was more secure from bombers attacks and because the factories were intact and out of suspicius of the allies .

czecz at that time was where the german and italians had they secret projects

Auch, that is a gramatical nightmare

Can you write that in italian so I can understand you ?

i think the boys anti-tank Rifle is more of a beast then that

Not really, the hipervelocity of the czech rifle ammunition made it more powerful in the terminal ballistic than the british design. It could penetrate 25 % more armor.