D-Day 1944

“Sword”, “Juno”, “Gold”, “Omaha” and “Utah”. These are the beaches that the Allies invaded on June 6 1944.

Please post pictures events and other information so that people can discover what happened.

germany had a “indian legion” along the atlantic wall which consisted of Indian volunteers who opposed britains rule over their homeland.

only 5 DD tanks made it to omaha beach, some dd tanks couldnt make it because of weather and surf conditions, and some were launched from 6,000 yards, and sunk like stones.

On Omaha first assault troops 116 regimental combat team of 1st division and 116th regimental combat team of 29th division ran onto omaha beach at little passed 6:30 am, just like troops at utah.

sorry i cant provide photos, i dont have a scanner :frowning:

Intresting about the Indian legion.

A site with a few intresting “D-Day” facts!


When a military operation is being planned, its actual date and time is not always known exactly. The term “D-Day” was therefore used to mean the date on which operations would begin, whenever that was to be. The day before D-Day was known as “D-1”, while the day after D-Day was “D+1”, and so on. This meant that if the projected date of an operation changed, all the dates in the plan did not also need to be changed. This actually happened in the case of the Normandy Landings. D-Day in Normandy was originally intended to be on 5 June 1944, but at the last minute bad weather delayed it until the following day. The armed forces also used the expression “H-Hour” for the time during the day at which operations were to begin.


  • D-Day was supposed to be luanched on June 5, but due to terrible weather conditions they set out in the early hours on the 6th

Yes I did :slight_smile:

I learnt that by looking at a picture description!!! lucky me!

did some googling, foudn some links and photos of indian legion




i have a photo in one of my books of a indian mg34 team possitioned on one of frances beachs.

Hi everyone,

This is my first post here :wink: - I’ve just found this forum and registered! Well, II World War is one of the most compelling (and appalling) landmarks of mankind. Within it, I believe that D-Day, together with the battle of Iwo-Jima and the battle of Staligrad, stands out over the other feats. It is widely said that D-Day was a disaster from the very start. If it’s true that things were not a bed of roses to the Allieds, the Germans also found lots of drawbacks and difficulties. For example, a division of German planes had left the Caen area days before the invasion on the grounds that they were needed somewhere else and the invasion at Normandy was less than unlikely according to German strategists and Hitler himself.

One of the most gifted German officials, Erwin Rommel, was away on leave to visit his wife for a few days. Some divisions took hours to warn others and even when reports where sent to the OKN in Berlin they did not believe that was the real invasion but a deception skirmish. My question is: would things have been different if the Desert Fox had been in his post, ready to assess the actual significance of the situation and to act accordingly?

I say no it wouldn’t have changed. But thats my opinion so hey! :smiley: :lol:

I may have to agree with you, Hiddenrug, but if Rommel had been on standby and not miles away, the two panzer divisions near Paris would have been mobilised. He would probably have taken the risk of sending the tanks into the war without Hitler’s permission.

besides wasnt rommel involved in a plot to assassinate hitler? i know he wasnt for it, he said he would rather see hitlet put on trial and go to jail.

but with this information, i would think rommel wouldnt really want to do much for germany knowing the end was near. if anything, he might have rather lossed to the western allies than the eastern.

Thats actually disputed. Many of Rommel’s aides were involved in the plot, and Hitler being the out of his mind kind of man that he was also sentenced Rommel to death.

Here is a photo of the landing ,I am not too sure if it has been posted before

Even if Rommel was on hand during the initial stages of the invasion I doubt he would have released all of his armoured assets and even if he had called in the tanks held at the pas du calais or Paris, they still had to cover the distance along with fuel and ammunition by road in day light without air cover.
Moving a Panzer Division isn’t as simple as it seems think of the logistics involved. Tanks couldn’t just steam across country and go straight into combat, they needed to establish a resupply chain from it’s departure point and then establish dumps in defendable areas behind the front line. Once this is achieved you have to consider co-ordinating the assets so you get a sustained offence and smooth refuel and resupply.
By the time they would have been availible for defensive opperations it was too late.

If you want i can upload one of the images of Hitler walking into the building where that attempted assassination happened. And would you guess the guy behind him was the assassin. PLEASE ASK IF YOU WANT TO SEE THAT PIC!!! 8)

I take it that its taken at the Wolfs lair? I’d like to see it!

alright ill try n find it! :lol: 8)

Flame_thrower- right. The reality is that we barely made it on D-Day with an insecure hold by the fingernails. A lot devinely went our way. While we didn’t do everything right the Germans seemed to do about everything wrong.

If we’d been repulsed on June 6th it would have taken another year to regroup, reassess and replan. By then the up and coming technology in German weapons would have prolonged the war even longer.

I would be interested on your thoughts as to why we barely made it on D-Day as I thought it went rather well myself?