Dachau, early May 1945 - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Dachau, early May 1945

Liberated prisoners killing German guards at Dachau, early May 1945 (my apologies if it's a re-post, I find it to be quite a powerful photo...)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/dramatic-photos/35373/dachau-early-may-1945

Hello again Bongox,I knew I was going to regret my post,I should take more time to formulate my thoughts,but at this moment,free time is something I’m very short off.But that’s not important.I felt a bit annoyed as I said by your comment on the emphatic among us.I am one of those but I should have made clear that I’m not feeling sorry for those in the endless list of people that bring suffering ,dead ,untold pain on other human beings ,when they in turn meet their rightious punishment,however horrible that punishment may be.They do deserve their place in hell.When I visited Auswitsch two years ago I had trouble sleeping the nights afterwards.I have seen so many pictures and filmfootage of the camps but actually walking the grounds and seeing with my own eyes,no I don’t have to sing that other tune.I have lived a comfortable life untill now,no war,no great suffering for myself or my loved ones so I consider myself a very lucky man.Sadly ,every day ,I see the suffering on the news and when seeing those torn bodies of soldiers or civilians after yet another suicide bomber or a boobytrap,I wish they get the s…bi… and kill them.I am following you 100% in your 4th and 5th paragraph.And no Sir,I’m don’t feel I’m a better man than you.Also I stand by what I said in my last sentence that I believe that no one in here is on this site out of love for horror and suffering.If there would be,than they surely wouldn’t stay long.No crime in hating with a vengeance but be sure not to let the hatred get the better of you.You’ll have to excuse me for not always being able to express my thoughts as clearly as I would like to.

Brummbar you appear to be a man of great sensitivity and humanity…truely you should regret nothing. What you stated is right for you, and my rantings - for myself. Two points of view stated in confrontation, but respectfully - and thus allowing us to learn from each other without becoming defensive (too much)…sadly, I may have become a bit insentive or harden to much that I see now, and wish that I had the quaility of such humanity and understanding expressed by you. I do have anger, and hatred, and will state I stick to my statements - but to be honest, I hope my daughter has the strength of character to truely love and be able to forgive all. I can’t…but,it is my life’s work to prevent her, and the next generatiion, from seeing the things I see on a daily basis (I am a Deputy Sheriff in a rather violent and impoverished city).