Dambusters by Peter Jackson

Has anyone heard any updates on Dambusters to be produced and directed by Peter Jackson?

The last I heard the movie was in pre-production, 12 Lancaster replicas were under construction and blueprints of the actual bombs were found in Moscow(no blueprints existed in the UK)

As far as I am aware no decisions have been made on the cast.

Regards digger

Weren’t one of the Lancasters built to full scale?

Found this altho if u look on the www.imdb.com it has no record of it !
so think wot you will

Peter Jackson has announced he will remake 1954 classic The Dam Busters, the BBC reports.

Jackson admitted he “really loved” the film as a child and enthused to Screen Daily: “There’s that wonderful mentality of the British during the war - that heads-down, persevering, keep-on-plugging-away mentality which is the spirit of Dam Busters.”

There is an entry in IMDB, but it’s only say:
“this In Development project is only available on IMDbPro”.



I’m looking forward to seeing it

The Dambusters mission was about to be scrubbed as recon photos looked like a row of anti air craft guns at the base of the Moehne Dam this would have been certain death so they sent in a crazy Canadian from the #408 “Goose” Squadron in a recon Mosquito Bomber with no weapons only a camera and lots of gas.
My 92 year old father two months ago started telling us what he did in the war he was a navigator/pilot, on May 14th or 15th 1943 he in broad daylight flew up the Ruhr Valley to the base of the Moehne dam, on the dam were two turrets that could see him coming showering the bomber with 20 mm cannon and machine gun fire as he pulled the nose of the mosquito over the dam he noticed four fighters bearing down on him he said I had the fastest plane in the sky I simply out ran them he flew 200 miles east 200 north and then back to England, he had many recon spy missions and 19 successful bombing runs the 20th they were shot down and ditched the lancaster in a German farmers field to their surprise the Germans helped them get to allied lines.

anymore news anyone heard of?