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Danish Military

This is a photograph of my grandfather; he was a member of the resistance movement under WWII and after the war he served in the Danish Military as a soldier. I think the photo is taken in Denmark around 1946. I have colorized the photos on my own - first time; so if any of you have comments (good or bad) please feel free to share 'em. Also if any of you can recognize items/objects on the photo, please leave a comment.. Best regards Mads

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/homefront/38596/danish-military

The TPC (Tracked Personnel Carrier) and TT variants had armour. (TPC front and full side, TT Front and side quarter only) it was bolted onto the mild steel side plates and called BP (Balistic Plate) I believe
Other variants were unarmoured.