Das Boot

Really good flick I think about a WW2 German U-boat crew. Its a Wolfgang Peterson film. Did Air Force one and a bunch of others. But if you into U-boats its a must see.

Vote if you have seen it.

Acthung Kopfsprung! Mach schnell!

Awesome film, very good soundtrack. Although a bit long one of the best war films around. I personally beleive that it has to be seen in German with subtitles otherwise you don’t get the right feel for it.

the movie is good by not showing the German as jack booted idiots!

yes,most of movies show german soldiers as idiot,that must be because spielberg always do them! :lol:

is spilberg a Jew?

And this is a question asked by someone whose screen-name is “Adolf Hitler” and who has a swastika and the Austrian Corporal’s face on his avatar??? :shock:

And this is a question asked by someone whose screen-name is “Adolf Hitler” and who has a swastika and the Austrian Corporal’s face on his avatar??? :shock:[/quote]

Sorry Adolf but he does have a point.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

One day,my car wasn´t parked,but,there were 2 millions dollars in the ground so…


(Phew*) That was a close one! :smiley:

please!,don´t hit quote!!! :smiley:

Yeah its a great film.
I think its the best description of U-boat life in WWII around.

Great flick, one of the most historically accurate ones too :smiley:

I think that the movie showed the way that the Germans had lived, in their U-Boat submarines, and the ending was the best, having the two spitfires pass over them, and destroy the U-Boat and the Captian. THAT WAS SOOO COOL

to Adolf’s question, No Spielberg is not a Jew, You Jew!


Ah i have found you at last Adolf Hitler its a pleasure now down to buisness firstly are you fucking insane “Adolf Hitler” dont you think that some peope might find that slightly offensive, Hav’nt you considered out of the droves of members on this sight that one might just be a jew. God Adolf Hitler is without a doubt the lowest form of life to ever grace gods green earth who in their right mind would want to be called adolf hitler. and im no racist towards Germans as i myself am one (my real name is Andrew Schmidt) but Hitler and his nazis where pure scum dont you relise this this man was responsible for the deaths of millions of people! i await your flames fuck wit

Das Boot is a very good war film precisely because it doesn’t show war as a glorious thing.

It isn’t.

As to Adolf Hitler, I thought you’d shot yourself after starting a war you couldn’t win because you were a strategic pygmy not fit to be in charge of a whelk stall, never mind a country.

I’ve seen the bit of Berlin where you died and they burned your body so the Soviets couldn’t use it for propoganda purposes, like we used the body of your fat mate, Mussolini. I just wish I’d had the presence of mind to lag on the spot.

Unluckily for you, they found your skeleton and have been keeping your skull in a box in Moscow for 60 years. Laugh? I nearly wet myself.

Big up the Nazis all you like. They were losers and got their arses kicked all the way round Europe.

1,000 year Reich? Out by two orders of magnitude.


A great movie about unsung heros of combat.