Daughter in drycleaner

In Australlia, there is a one month old baby who happens to spill her milk all over her body. Her dad is so mad that he put her in the drycleaner in order to dry her body. now the judge has disallowed the father to see her daugther

anyone heard that from the news?
i cant provide source because its a chinese newspaper

he put drycleaner on the babies body? thats wierd

bad translation from me, sorry

That is an odd story, borderline funny because it is so weird!

It is true…
He is 21 years old from Perth. Put his concubine baby to the cloth drier, closed door and switched it on. Baby rotated inside for a while and suffered bruises and burns.
This bloke is an idiot which should be locked for life.
Or should be locked into large industrial washing machine, washed for an hour, than at least two hours drying time in a dryer.

World is full of dickheads.
A few years ago lady in US complained to microwave oven manufacturer that she put in a cat to dry him and he died.
As a proof of her claim she supplied newspaper clip advicing how to dry socks in a microwave…
If you can dry socks, you can dry cat as well…

Did you notice that on champagne bottles labels are now instructions saying: “Do not point cork towards your face”.


not to mention a guy suing the RAV company because he said the manual didnt tell him that he cant go to the back of the RAV and make coffee while the car is in the highway travelling over 100km/h

the court settle for over 100,000 dollars for him
what a world?