David and Joe-liath - Winter War, 1940 - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

David and Joe-liath - Winter War, 1940

Plucky David (Finland) lands a snowball in Stalin's eye, British cartoonist Illingworth's take on the Soviet-Finnish war of Winter, 1940. Meanwhile, neutral states look on, with Uncle Sam questioning whether it might be "un-neutral" to make just one small snowball for the Finns ? There was, in fact, a considerable deal of sympathy for the situation of Finland, whose cause attracted support from volunteers, especially from Scandinavia and the Soviet-occupied Baltic countries. There was even some talk of a British expeditionary force to assist Finland - but this came to nothing, as Finland was forced to terms before it could mature. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/art/52285/david-and-joe-liath-winter-war-1940

My thanks to you for yet another excellent set of posts, JR, I enjoyed reading each one of them. Regards