Debauchery and shame!

Apparently this thread is no longer that active so i’m going to spice it up with tales of drunken student debauchery and shame. Last night having successfully thrown the missus a dummy I went out to my student nightclub with a few chums intent on having a laugh. Now our student nightclub located in central london is fairly popular, even recieving rave reviews from time out magazine, as a result every firday it is packed out. This provides the following scientific formula;

Popular cheap nightclub + students + booze + cheesy pop disco = meat market and filthy night out

Unfortuneatly I seem unable to resist against such a powerful formula and last night became one of the sweaty masses packed into the club, here’s where the shame starts to come in.
In best chav fashion my friend and I started the night off with strongbow :? , several pints of. We then graduated onto vodka red bulls and finally smirnoff ice’s. And to make it worse we used the ‘on me’ hand signal whilst in the club (the shame, the shame!) this really was conduct unbecoming and a commission (when i finally get it this summer) resigning matter. Now let’s get this board moving again, i’ve shamed myself let’s here your similiar tales.


I want to hear about the bits you can’t remember! :lol:

Sounds like a good night out!

Thats the problem, i remember everything :shock: