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Defend her!

"Defend her! She could be your mother, your wife, your sister, your daughter." This RSI manifesto could appear strong or racist, but instead it knocks on real and tragic facts. It refers first of all to the violences of French Moroccan Corp of General Juin in southern Italy, in 1943-44. DVX.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at!

All propaganda is often based on facts, just twisted and exaggerated, and constantly reiterated. :smiley:

“It refers first of all to the violences of French Moroccan Corp” – I am not at all sure that is true, as a) the soldier appears far more black than what I, at least, believe is the norm for Morocco, b) the uniform does not look like what samples I’ve seen of the Moroccan uniform, c) the uniform depicted DOES resemble the uniform of black US soldiers used in other (definitely racially-tinted) Italian posters.