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Defiant in Death

A stoic Officer Cadet, Gunther Billing is secured to a stake by U.S. Military Policemen in preperation for execution by firing-squad on Dec. 18, 1944. Moments later, he called out "Heil Hitler" as the lethal fusilade was fired. He had been caught posing as an American GI when he and two others were stopped at an American roadblock. Billing's was just one of 2,000 English speaking Germans who disguised themselves as American troops and wreaked havoc behind Allied lines. (scannrd by HOS Bandit)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

What I really ponder as I look at this photo is: Who authorized the execution? The Germans as I understand it had authority at the field level as did the Russians with their commisars to authorize executions quickly. Where is the US military authority that could authorize an execution in what had to be 36 hours or less?

Leer, I certainly mean no disrespect. What I mean’t when I brought up the source of my quote was that I just go with what I have available in regards to info. I do not, as I occasionally see in some posts “wing it” that is, make up the facts too suit the photo. I would certainly take the word of anyone “who was there” over any written facts, regardless of how thorough their “editors” research had been. I’m apologise if I gave a different impression.