Destroyed Tiger II - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Destroyed Tiger II


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This could be in the Ardennes or somewhere over the German border.This TigerII may have been almost untouchable due to his thick armor but on many other points???Many books have been written on the failure of the Ardennes Offensive(as we call it in Belgium) but there is in my point of view a very simple reason,the weight and bulk of this machine.In 1940 the attack through the Ardennes was a great succes but the tanks where a lot smaller and lighter.Trying to repeat the trick with 60 tons,almost no fuel and no aircover.What were they thinking?If you visit the region now you have a lot of wide roads and bridges but in 1944(and in winter) it was just madness.Even with enough tanks and fuel it would not have been possible.Just no room for action.This TigerII (and TigerI) could do wonders on something like the Russian plains but on the small,steep roads and little stone bridges of the Ardennes …This said,let’s not forget the sacrifices of the soldiers,their courage and suffering on BOTH sides.

Beautifully colored!

Great work Lopatin V