Dezső László - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

Dezső László

Dezső László was born on July 23rd 1894 in Lovászpatona, Komitat Veszprém. During WW1, he fought on the Serbian, Russian and Italian fronts and became a Captain. Near the end of the war, he was captured by the Italians. After his return from captivity 1919 he was assigned to the general staff. From 1921 on he also taught in the Ludovika Military Academy in Pest. In May 1941, he was promoted to Major General. It is speculated, that Dezső László in cooperation with German authoritories staged the bombing of Košice on 26th June 1941, to give Hungary a reason for joining the war. From 1941 to 1943 he was the commander of the Ludovika Military Academy. 1943 he was promoted to Altábornagy (Lieutenant Fieldmarshal). In May 1943 he took over the VIII. Hungarian army corps and fought on the Eastern Front. From October 1944 he Dezső László was the commander of the 1st Hungarian Army. In November 1944, he was promoted to Vezérezredes (Colonel General). On May 5th 1945, shortly before the war's end, Dezső László received the Kinght's Cross. He capitulated with the 1st Hungarian Army on May 8th 1945 in Slovakia. After a short time as POW, he returned to Hungary in 1946. There he was put under house arrest. 1947 he was accused of war crimes by the Hungarian people's courts. He was sentenced to death, president Szakasits denied an amnesty. He was executed on June 8th 1949. 1999 Dezső László was rehabilited by the Supreme Court in Hungary. -------------------------- Evillittlekenny

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General Dezso (dee-zhoe) – what an eventuful military career. The photo reveals strength of character, but the twinkle in the eyes may suggest a capability for duplicity – only a wild guess on my part. His was a tragic fate – like so often for Hungarians during the awful 20th century. May you rest in peace, General Laszlo Dezso. Thanks for posting it ELK!

I am glad that you like it, since I put some effort in it to gather the information :slight_smile: