Did Hitler Ever Speak English?

I been seaching for a long time on this topic.
Seen heaps of docomentries on hitler and his speaches and it seems he can not speak any english.
What gets me thinking, when british p/minster in 1936 im not sure about the year, visted hitler how did they comunitcate, and im sure that the british p/minster could not speak german.
Did he have his own personlized translater.
and please no sicastic answers …im really in too ww2…and im really dying too know .Thanx

Hitler did not speak English and the English Prime Minister did not speak German. That is a fact. But what you are forgetting is that both of them being statesmen, spoke French. They weren’t fluent but they were able to communicate sufficiently to each other in French, which was the language they taught in most schools in the turn of the century (next to English). Hitler being born in Austria enjoyed a well rounded education and had a private French tutor up until the age of 12 when he enrolled in a French language program, although dropped out a year later. I believe that the English P.M. and Hitler may have had translators as you point out, but the majority of their meetings were mostly in French. There are some black and white footage of their meeting on you tube showing them speaking in French also if you get a chance to see it. Hitler used his French skills to advance the invasion of France when he came in power and he admired France a lot if you read Mein Kampf.Himmler and Goering also spoke french although Himmler was always boasting to Hitler that his French was better (although it wasn’t). I think Rommel also spoke French but I am not sure. Hitler would constantly pick up the phone and call Churchiill(the later P.M., speaking in French just to piss him off because Churchill couldn’t speak French. (I think Hitler did it out of spite)…anyways, its all in Mein Kampf if your interested in reading about it…

Well, according to his sister-in-law, Adolf lived in Liverpool from November 1912 until April 1913…

It wasn’t his sister in-law, it was his cousin on his mothers side.Get your facts straight PDF.

The comment is from Bridget Hitler (nee Dowling), who was married to Adolf Hitler’s half-brother Alois, thus making her his sister-in-law.

Correcting someone who is right when you’re wrong makes you look like a complete moron.

No it does not. It only makes me look like a dumb ass. It does not make me look like a moron. Somebody with an IQ between 51 and 70 is a Moron (According to Wiki). My IQ is somehwat higher above 72 I believe, thus qualifying me as a non-Moron. So I guess when your wrong in life, people call you Moron?. I don’t think so cause your never wrong I assume. Anyways, for the record, I am a dumb-ass and not a Moron, for my inaccuracy regarding the Hitler-sister in law/cousin issue. I beg your higness’s forgiveness for this important and critical historical inaccuracy that I exhibited.

Hope it doest, ive been corrected so many times.
And also Hitler had a newthew in England juring ww2.

I knew about Mein Kampf…Hes whole life story and him going 2 jail.Couldet get my hands on it,i didt want my perents cacthing me with it.
For give me here, but wast Hitler born in a poor family too afford a private toutor.

Mein Kampf is available just about eveywhere in the UK.

I believe he was born into a poor family, but I know nothing of the Austrain education system, and circumstances o individuals do sometimes change.

It is in her country as well. She just doesn’t like the idea of her parents catching her reading it.
They might get the wrong idea :wink: :lol:

Yes exacatly;)

You can get part of the mein kampf by reading The rise and fall of the third reich, amazing book, though havent read all of it.

Is there any chance of reading this books on the net?

Google is your friend, just key in

Hitler Mein Kampf

in to the search box and there are lots of them

here’s a PDF version


I haven’t read the above version so can’t vouch for its accuracy.

Mein Kampf is probably the most boring book ever written, it is the literary equivalent of swimming in wet cement, in Hollywood films pyschopaths are usually highly cultured and sophiscated, in real life they tend not to be.

Really reading Hitler’s garbage will not tell you much about him unless you have a good idea what makes him tick already and if you do have a good idea already about what sort of person Hitler was and why he did what he did, I think your only reaction to reading Mein Kampf would be “well he [ ie Hitler ] would say that, wouldn’t he”.

the following is in my opinion the best book on Hitler


unfortunately most people do not understand a major difference between a bully and a psychopath, a bully will usually back off if they are faced with even a mild punishment so that a bully can be just as cruel as a pyschopath but as the bully is not driven in the same way as a psychopath they are far easier to deal with.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer


You are right,its so f-cken boring [Mein kampf]:roll:

All jesting aside, what will be expected from a mulish narcissist, who loved to hear his own voice?
He often brought his listeners to fall asleep with his boring monologues and doesn’t realized this.
Yes, he thrilled the masses, but this was one part. On the other side he always was right and he quacked the people to death. And also the manuscript wasn’t able to fight back. :mrgreen:

Maybe they pretended to be asleep for the fear of giving him eye contact:)