Die Deutsche Wochenschau, videos and more.

Die Deutsche Wochenschau was the official german war newsreel from 1940, although the majority of his content is a propagandistical one, is always interesting to see the german armament in some real combat footage.

I start with this from early 1942 wich shows the german guns, artillerie, planes and submarines production pretty nice.

Check the size of this machine tools, I am droling already.


I put this link because it didnt work in other way, if anyone can download it with E-mule or other software, be my guest.

Film from 1940., Kriegmarine activities. Invation of the low Countries and France.


The death of Rommel, Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck, new Panther, etc.


The german worker as Flak crew- Invation of South france- fighting in Stalingrad.


Walther Nowotny Funerals,


Amazing video, one of Hitlers last appearings.

The first part is well know with the old dictator giving away medal to his “antitank” kids, however there is an interview with the very young fighters after that.


As usual If any can colaborate with some translation will be enormously preciated.

Seen the clip many times.
Would be great to hear the translation.

The first kid is talking about that he and his 12 friends destroyed 5 T-34-85 and 1 heavy tenk my guess is JS-1 the two others are talking about delivering orders from command centre to the front under fire and they destroyed 2 each 1 tank with a panzerfaust.This is the translation of the talking of the Hitlerjugend.

The last public (video, photo) appearance of Hitler - me thinks.


Thanx for the translation. I wonder if they are telling the truth. Suppose we will never know. Interesting anyway.

I also think that is correct.
Just needs to be confirmed.

I wonder if they are telling the truth. Suppose we will never know

There is a good chance of that those kids were actually telling the truth, I mean they did not ( the nazis) gave away Iron Crosses for nothing.

Good point.

And many Thanks Strina-croatia we need more participation of you…just 58 post :twisted:

Here a found a translated version of my earlier video.


i doubt the nazis care its true or not. It is great for propaganda purpose and i suspect at the end of war, the nazis are giving out iron cross like candies anyways.

I agree , ideed i don’t think the nazi care is it true or not in this period of war.
Certainly those anti-tank kids could to hit some T-34 by price of its life. But if to belive the officials nazi cources thay destroed all Red Army tank two-three times( Like and allies airplains).


doubt the nazis care its true or not. It is great for propaganda purpose and i suspect at the end of war, the nazis are giving out iron cross like candies anyways.

Considering the semi-suicidal tactics of those years is plausible that this kids destroyed those tanks an even more, but as you may read the Crosses were not only awarded for tank destroying achievements but for others combat duty also.

Fight in Stalingrad.


Yea great movie.
It sadly but i have no the unlimited traffic
However the Propogandic tone of the film likes to me
So great beginning- so glorious end;)