Dirlewanger's troops at Warsaw - German Forces | Gallery

Dirlewanger's troops at Warsaw

Troops of Oskar Dirlewanger's brigade during the Warsaw Uprising, 1944.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/21661/dirlewanger's-troops-at-warsaw

Hi FTG – could you or someone else provide a little background on this unit’s excesses – meaning the ones that caused the Germans to send in MP units? I haven’t heard of this before, and Hitler seemed to thing the treatment of Warsaw was a good model for how Paris should be treated if was about to fall. I am also not clear on what percentage of the Uprising was centered around the Jewish Ghetto – though I’ve gotten the impression, despite their depletion in numbers, they were still quite important and involved, to the point where it is also (unless I’m mixing two events) often referred to as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. If so many “rebels” were Jews, I’m trying to get a grasp on what actions such a unit could take that would draw disapproval from up above…? Am I confusing events, or what?