"dirty wars" in Syria

Can’t goes though not mention the one interesting article i found in american net
CIA’s “dirty wars” in Syria and Iran exposed!
Have no idea what sort of opposition t this site present and what else they “exposes”, but is it possible the CIA may prepeare and arms the “radical islamist”? Hard to believe but i just remember how CIA has created and organized the Al-quaeda in mid-80 in Afganistan.

Searhing the more infor on theme i found out an anothers-sort site that also claims the CIA involving to organisation of islamis terrosists groups.

Look hard enough and you will find claims for just about everything.

Look all you want, the Russian gov’t is giving weapons to a minority regime that uses them to massacre its own people…

In response to Nickdfresh post. (Can’t quote for some reason)

The UK stopped a Russian cargo ship carrying Russian made attack helicopters to the Syrian Regime, Russia is still pushing that the cargo is rightfully Syrian.

Russia Today seem to be following the Syrian Regime, couldn’t help but laugh when they showed a Syrian Regime Solider using the barrel of his AK to remove FSA graffiti on a wall.

Ouch, gents i didn’t plan to offend you or toch your patriotic feelings.
Just wan know what do you think?In general.
Do you think the CIA should help the rebels coz Russian helps to Assad or the CIA aid to FSA is a myth and hostile propogand?

Look all you want, the Russian gov’t is giving weapons to a minority regime that uses them to massacre its own people…

Yes this is true. I feel shame the putin involvs the russia into that dirty war. I think there is no RIGHT side in CIVIL war.

Look hard enough and you will find claims for just about everything.

Yes , but the last thing i would like to want is to learn the CIA probably sponsors the islamic radicals! I really though this form of dirty war is leaved in past . I hope is not a secret for all you the CIA has been tied with islamic mojaheden in Afganistan during unfamous soviet invasion.

Former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski organizing the CIA’s Arab legionaries, which would later become Al Qaeda, in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region in the early 80’s. Al Qaeda would later spin off into regional terrorist organizations, covertly armed, trained, and protected by the CIA to this day, including LIFG in Libya, MEK in Iraq and Iran, and Baluchi terrorists in Pakistan

The tons of controversal infor here but the photo of Zbigniew Brzezinski definitelly the original.
So could it be possible the CIA still using the “domestic islamists”?

No secret that various governments through different agencies and countries supported the warlords in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. Of course some of those same warlords are now fighting the countries that aided them and helped train them (in some cases with the same weapons they were given), some of those warlords are fighting with NATO as well while others change sides as they feel.

Happens all the time, many training camps in Pakistan were set up by the US during the Soviet time in Afghanistan, now the US says the Pakistanis should be doing more to destroy them (in areas the Pakistani Government has never really held sway). The day after we moved into Kosovo we were attacked by Albanians who wanted us to leave ‘their’ country (which NATO had just got the Serbians to leave and was not Albanian anyway).

Arm, train and support the Libyan rebels and they decide that after Ghadaffi has gone they will now fight for power amongst themselves (same in Iraq).

Its back to proxy wars again (although they never really stopped, just changed locations).

Syrian rebels have been receiving aid and training from other Arab states (for whatever reason), Saudi Arabia offered a bounty to each Syrian soldier who joined the rebels, there has been a marked increase in the amount of western small arms I have seen on the news footage.

The same happened in Libya with the Libyan rebels getting hold of some pretty strange weapons (Israeli Tavor assault rifle) as well as provided with Jordanian Centurion tanks.

Very depressing. I was interested in a report carried this morning (on the BBC, I think) to the effect that the Syrian rebels had launched a tank attack on an airport near Aleppo yesterday. How many tanks do they have ? Are they ex-Syrian Army only ? And - an attack on an airport - astute use of such assets, as against parking them up some street in Aleppo and waiting for them to get zapped. The work of foreign suppliers and “advisers”, perhaps ? JR.

Yes but what if Saudi Arabia is just anothe one proxy?Who is real customer and sponsor of revolutions in middle east?Hard to beleive the SA will determine the “weather” in such a critical for US ( and Israel ) region. Plus the Washington has already don’t even cover the fact of CIA involvement.May be it’s not that bad the CIA trying to rule in full chaos but how they going to stop the radicals?Or radicals plays for CIA already?
Seems this sityation is quite complex.

UN reported on the 1st that the FSA are now in possession heavy weapon including tanks, they didn’t go into where they came from but one would assume they’re captured or were abandoned.

Russia is sending marines to their navel base in the region.

Outside countries are sending equipment to the FSA, Libyan rebels got Jordanian Centurions somehow, Saudi has promised bounties to troops who leave the Syrian forces and join the FSA.

A few other possibilities to go with captured vehicles (of course the press call any armoured vehicle a tank so could even be BMP’s or BTR’s, even SPG’s).

The Saudi government are looking more to the west at the moment than to Syria which is allied with Iran, the ruling powers in Saudi I am sure have no wish to be on the receiving end of enlightenment.

Assad also has no out, he has seen what happened to all the other leaders in the region who have lost power, recent TV footage shown of captured Assad supporters being executed by the FSA (or some warband claiming to be FSA) is not going to help with a quick and peaceful resolution.

Libya has dropped out of the news at the moment but they are no nearer resolution to the fighting with various warlords etc all vying for power and revenge.

Who in their right mind wants to get involved in the area openly now.

I’m fairly sure the Saudis aren’t just acting as a proxy - they’ve got a massive axe to grind with the Iranians going back over a thousand years (632 AD to be exact). Syria is very friendly with the Iranians (or rather the present government is), so the Saudis are taking every opportunity they can get to cause trouble for them. In fact, I’d be surprised if most of the Arab world wasn’t providing some sort of help to the Syrian rebels under the table.
This isn’t the first time the Saudis have intervened against uppity Shi’ites - in March of last year they sent their army into Bahrain to help the government there crush Shi’ite riots ( http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/15/world/middleeast/15bahrain.html?pagewanted=all ).

I read recently that the Free Syrian Army captured four gov’t tanks in a raid on one of their staging bases near Aleppo…

Somehow? Jordania means west that means… something close to NATO…

@ pdf27

I completely agree with you. But the Saudi intervention it’s not at all a reassuring thing. Syria is the door for Iran in a next future… and Russia is defending his sphere of influence in the region… She was already impended by Georgia, that means by those who where behind Georgia… don’t forget it…
As I already wrote, in my opinion, Syria is a step for the USA towards Iran and an attempt to push back an historical Russian influence on the area.
You surely remeber that the Georgian crazy dictator caused the war with Russia after being supported and feeded up by CIA and Israel. And the Goergia is an important strategical point for oil pipelines inside a bigger strategic oil-producing area.
Syria, even if not an oil producer, is a door in that area, geographic and it could become also political, if Assad falls down. After, the way for Iran is open. And in the meantime, Russia would be forced to a step back in its influence area.
Iran is the only oil big producer still free from USA control and from a public debt owned abroad (not a secundary aspect), that means from the plutocratic world rulers…
I’m scared about the possibility that the well known US attitude to feed up every “son of a bitch, but our son of a bitch” - in the unforgetable summary of Henry Kissinger - could cause an escalation of the Islamic extremism in a country substancially laic and where in the past the islamic fundamentalists were swept away by Assad senior.

It means that Jordan gave tanks to the Libyan rebels (part of what I was referring to with the ‘somehow’ was geographically not politically), the political reason well who can say, paid for by outsiders or Jordanian Royal family decision, Jordan has been a pro-western state for a long time and had no love for Ghadaffi (Libya was blamed for several terrorist attacks in Jordan).

Arab states are quite capable of working behind the scenes against each other and it suits their purpose if Israel or the West (especially the US) can be blamed instead. They can still pretend to have Arab solidarity (important in an unstable part of the world).