
Hey all! :smiley:

Just wondering if anyone had any militaria collections or displays that they’d want to share with us! I’m currently working on a mannequin and will hopefully have a full finished photo for you in 3 weeks!

Anybody? Please be welcome! :smiley:

Here is an original SA EM Belt & Buckle Set:

Original Luft. Gas Mask Set:

(I believe the gas cape bag is Post War)

Original K98 Mauser Bayonet Set:

Thankyou! They are … VERY … expensive …

Original K98 Ammo Pouch Set:

Original Waffen-SS Frostbite Salve. I believe it was found somewhere in Russia or the Ukraine:

(Can anybody translate this for me?)

Original Mess Kit w/ Strap (Model 1938)

(The background is a Fallschirmjager Zeltbahn)

Original Marching/Combat Jack Boots. Matching serial numbers!!!

Original Canteen & Cup. Not in such great condition but suits me! :smiley: