Do you have a life?

So, do you? I dont so I am looking for some Comrades.:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ive only got a life on saturday nites only.


I have recently acquired enough friends on the site to form a quorum. So, perhaps we should go and get pissed. :slight_smile:

I’m working two jobs and doing a load of fitness stuff on top. What is this mythical “life” you speak of?

Something beyond the PC, something as unlikely for me as Germany winninng the Battle of Berlin :D:D…

All I know, without WW-2 In Color Forum, my life would be so lonely…:slight_smile:

Well, I qualify for that definition if no other. This is the first time I’ve been on the internet since saturday, and I’m only able to do this as I’m at work running some very computationally intensive calcuations (whack “kruger-shapiro equations” into google if you’re curious) that lock up my PC for ages…

Okay, on the internet, for recreational/hobby purposes.

I always felt that the Molecular drag model based on differential reduction of the Kruger- Shapiro equations, are parallel to the Mesh Analysis differential that was first introduced by the Symposium on Space Environmental Simulation. When I realised that the aperture correction theory contained premature performance characteristics similar to Kruger-Shapiro equations, I lost confidence in the theory. Don’t put to much trust into Kruger PDF, trust me, I’ve been there!

Though it may be contested by some I know,I do have a life, and spend only a short time on this infernal machine as I bore easily.(Unless its cold&rainy, then I might languish online for 20 minutes or so at a time.) :slight_smile:

Hi Herman2.

What if there was no WW-2 In Colour Forum, Will that be the end of herman2?

Presumably, you prefer to have a machine between your legs? :slight_smile:

Stop trying to bulls**t me Herman, it isn’t funny. Kruger-Shapiro has got nothing to do with molecular drag, space simulation or aperture correction. As you would realise if you understood anything about the subject (which to be fair very, very few people do). What you’ve done is imitate a magpie - throw the term into google and copy/paste some key words from it into your answer. Making you look like a right berk.

TG with new harley. :smiley:

Oh Please…don’t get your pantyhose in a knot…Personally I thought it was funny. I mean, does anybody know about your Freddie Kruger molecular principles? Don’t tell me you didn’t laugh…and if you didn’t well then I don’t know.
If I say I’m sorry for insulting your Krugerand theory and it makes you feel better, then I am sorry. I will reframe in future from tampering with your Ruggerbager equations. :mrgreen:

The fact that you thought it funny explains many things…

That, or be 'tween some myself,One may encourage the other I think… VORSICHT!:Those under 18 yrs of age must not read this post: :mrgreen:

Just in case you missed it, TG. :slight_smile:

Yes, I have a wonderful life as I drink Superpom. :slight_smile: