Do you support Gun Control??

Just curious how people on this board feel about Gun Control. I feel gun control does not stop crime and only stops law abiding people from owning firearms. So I am against Gun Control for LAW ABIDING people…Criminals should not be allowed to own.

edited for spelling. Mike

kill those fucking bastards and thieves,i vote yes,but i prefer to send the army to the streets,when my country send the gendarmeria to the streets,the crime descended a 60% :twisted:

Speaking as a shooting exile, of course I don’t support it - no law ever prevented criminals from doing anything.

Other fun things to know:

  • gun crime in the UK has risen dramatically since they banned handguns in 1997 (depending on how you measure it, up to 300%)
  • The places with the worst armed crime in the US are the ones with the tightest restrictions (e.g. DC, NYC)
  • The Swiss government gives people full-auto assault rifles to keep at home & gun crime is very low
  • The British olympic pistol hopefuls have to train abroad
  • Britain is the only country in Europe which has a prohibition on handguns for target shooting

Interesting things to read include:

Lott, More Guns Less Crime
Munday & Stevenson (editors) Guns and Violence The debate before Lord Cullen
Schietsport, mei 2005, p. 3-5, Marleen Nagtegaal in onderzoek: Sportchutters minder agressief (an article about a Rotterdam University professor which came to the conclusion that sports shooters are less aggressive than the population as a whole)

Wihtout wanting to be a dullard,
Yes there should be Gun Control, not everyone is suited to gun ownership, However draconian measures will do nthing to preserve public safety thee are enough guns on the black market that law abiding citizens filling out paperwork for ownership are never going to be a threat.

The Soviet Bizon SMG recovered by the police from a 15 year old drugs dealer in Swindon was not bought over the counter! So gun control Per Se is inadequate and ineffective in its present form.

There is, of course, however, an optimum level of control, and anything above that is futile, expensive & often counter-productive (the Maryland registry has cost 2M dollars & not helped solve a single crime).

This level is a criminal record search, and is represented by the US NCIS instant background check (although this could be extended to transfers between individuals as well), or top 1/2 of the front page of a British or Dutch licence.

Registration doesn’t seem to do anything other than produce paperwork, nor do pre-authorised “slots” as per the UK, limits, ammunition limits, having to shoot a minimum number of times a year, or much of the other silliness we have to cope with.

The criminals and thieves will never turn in their guns and they will always be able to buy on the black market, so if gun control is enforce only the law abiding will not have guns. If you are in favor of gun control how do you intend to protect your family if a criminal comes into your house with a gun? Will you reason with him??
I was a fireman in Los Angeles, during our riots our police were not able to protect everyone and they didn’t try, the only buildings that didn’t burn were the ones protected by the building’s owner with a firearm. The scum went to the buildings that were not protected, looted them and then burned them.
Man of Stoat says it good…crime goes up when people are not armed.

edited for spelling…Duh!!!

Gun control does nto mean a ban on private ownership of guns.

I support gun control, but i hav no problem with civilians holding guns.
I have my doubts about certain classes of weapons being held by private individuals* but I dont care how many guns are in private circulation if those holding them have been suitably vetted.

*Anti-Material rifles, rotary cannon, anti tank weapons, Flame throwers Second amendment extreme stuff

shit!,you banned the best weapons :twisted: (add the flak cannon,and mortar)

Yes to control, no to prohibition.

I think there is a difference between countrys here. Gun Control in america is banning firearms from civilians. weapons like the AR-15, M1A1, M1A1 carbine, AK 47 and more (all semi auto) are banned in some states here in the USA.
Of course weapons like rocket laucnchers, cannons, machine guns, grenades should be controlled. Im talking about semi auto rifles in this poll.

Like most I am for intelligent control, unfortunately we have stupid control. I have no need to own a weapon but also no requirement to stop others owning one. As to deciding who can and who can’t have a weapon I haven’t a clue.

There was a fleeting moment when I even considered the BMP idea of giving us all ARs as long as I could double tap the chavs that walk past my house.

Bluff what’s wrong with having an A/T gun?

yes,tell me that!

Id say it depends on the country. If an extremely large part of the population already owns a gun, and theres lots of guns circulating, gun control is meaningless and would only support the black market. For instance, enforcing gun control to a country in Africa is dumb because you can most likely hop over the borderline and buy yourself an Ak-47 for very little (if you cant get it in your own country). Crime is high, and you will need to protect yourself. In a country like Japan were you can not get a gun (maybe only hunting), the crime rate is extremely low. I think in Japan only the police may have a firearm (but unlike the U.K. they get to keep it on them all the time). I heard from some news, that this Japanese police guy pulled out his gun at some foriegners for some reason or another, but I dont quite know what happened because they were unarmed and just walked up and took the gun and ran away. The policeman was o.k. but now theres a gun floating around! Inexperience!!

Before I start, I should point out that I hold shotgun and firearms (i.e. rifle) licenses in the UK, so I have some knowledge of the process needed to acquire firearms in one of the more tightly controlled environments.

Fundamentally, I am against gun control beyond controlling crew served military weapons and the like.

However, I practically feel that some sort of basic checking/licencing system is probably a good plan. I agree that criminals will just use illegal/stolen guns anyway, but if it is too easy for them to use legal guns, then they will probably just do that! The one aspect of the UK system I do like is the secure storage requirement. I gather that a lot of the illegal guns in the US were stolen from legal owners, and I can’t imagine owning guns without having somewhere secure to put them. I do think one should be allowed to keep a gun ‘out’ in the house for personal defence though. (although presumably this would be kept close to hand and thus not easily stolen.)

On a different note, I do feel that here in the UK we do not have the space to support the population of ‘casual’ or ‘recreational’ hunters that they have in the US.


Gun control is hitting what you are aiming at! :lol:

I thought it was using both hands? :shock:

I thought it was using both hands? :shock:[/quote]

I was shooting a revolver single-handed double-action this evening under time pressure & I was certainly hitting what I was aiming at! (actually I got a higher score than when I was using the SIG!)

I support private ownership of guns but not the principles behind the second amendment!

That is a Spanner in the works :lol:

I wouldn’t say it’s that much of a spanner myself - as drafted I certainly read it as obliging “the people” to form some sort of militia for the security of the state. In modern terms that probably means they would have to demonstrate the ability to hit what they’re shooting at (not an unreasonable requirement for anyone owning a firearm) and be called up by the state when required (finding lost children, rescuing kitties stuck up a tree, etc.)
Personally I’d allow people as many guns as they want, provided:

  1. They don’t have a criminal record
  2. They have suitable secure storage
  3. They demonstrate an appropriate level of competence on a vaguely regular basis (i.e. can hit target and aren’t likely to suffer from NDs through bad weapon handling).

I support ownership on your three criteria, but refute the principle that a militia be kept in order that it be capable of overthrowing a corrupt governement, The Gun owners I have met on Forums seem to think the second amendment is a retrospective defence to the abuses the American people had suffred at the hands of the oppresive British regime.

Whilst I am happy for people to own guns I find the idea that a militia of private individuals being capable of deposing a nations government frankly laughable and obtuse!

I even met someone that suggested a “Wolverine” campaign to deny the state forces travel across the country in thre event of a civil war!

(all Americans I refer to were Forum members elsewhere - I have not met any of these “types” in the flesh as I presume they dont have passport)