Do you think the confederate flag should be on public display?

As someone who is a proud supporter of sons of confederate veterans I see only a love of heritage in the flag but i would like to know what you all think on the public display of the stars and bars


I have never seen the Confederate flag in Toronto. The only time I see it is when I watch Dukes of Hazzard. I think the Confederate flag is part of American History and should be respected but unfortunately, just like the swastika was a hindu cross and a good luck charm even in America before Hitler, that maybe out of respect to not offend, the Confederate flag should be modestly displayed. What I mean is, don’t display it next to a black church, as it gives off the wrong vibe. There’s a time and place to display.

I completelty agree it just makes me mad when people say its a sign of hate and what many dont understand is that it wasnt even portrayed that way until the civil rights movement when the Ku Klux Klan started using it

I think if its not meant to be anti-african american or hateful, etc. Its OK.
Confederate soldiers were people (I think generaly nice and likeable) and should be given respect like the Germans and the Japanese soldiers of WWII. Iguess a good idea is to display the confederate and the nothern flags side by side.

Just like the way the Nazis ruined the swastika, the confederate flag had to be ruined by the hatred of the few who made it that way. Otherwise I think the flag looks sharp and represents a part of America that the South should be proud of…just don’t drive the flag into the big city the way the Dukes of Hazzard did, in that one scene wher they almost get lynched:)

Sorry, I am from the old world and I thought that the “Stars & Bars” are actually on the public display? I got even a ww2 related photo of evidence:

Wasn’t it a Confederate battle ensign? not really a flag?

Part of the controversy is that the flag was not publicly displayed until the 1960s by Southern State gov’ts, and seemed to be a statement against desegregation…

Now seriously. Over here in Germany - and I think all over Europe too - the “Stars and Bars” are not linked with negative attitudes like the KKK, slavery or racism but with “rebel”-feeling, Elvis Presley, Bikes and the whole “southern” attitude in general.

Personally I was nostalgic because shows like the “Dukes of Hazard” and some music is sort of steeped in that “rebel”-chic genre…

However, the people making it a big deal about not being allowed to display it over State Houses a bit clouded.

Actually it was the official flag. The following image shows it in its final version from april/may 1865.

But that’s not exactly the flag flown now, is it?

The current “Stars and Bars” never actually was used and is a altered version of the Confederate Naval battle ensign…

well currently the flag seen the most is the combo of a naval jack and a battleflag not the original blood banner as it was called

Seeing that the fear that Lincoln might try and interfere with the practice of slavery in their states was a major reason for their attempt to leave the Union, I can fully understand why black Americans might find this flag offensive.

Fly it if you like, its part of American history, many thousands of Americans died for it, as well as against it, so it has a legitimate place in our culture as an American flag.

But that’s not exactly the flag flown now, is it?

Well, the books say, the original “Stars and Bars” was mistaken sometimes with the “Star Spangled Banner” of the US Army from a distance. Next thing to avoid this was to put the “Stars and Bars” in the upper left corner of a white flag. This however was mistaken with a white flag of truce on several occasions. So they put this red bar on the right end of the flag and there it is…Since there is no more danger of friendly fire nowadays they can fly the original version again.

I think it depends on the motives behind flying it.

We have a similar problem in England. The English flag, a red cross on a white background has been usurped by right-wing groups. People argue it is offensive to fly it, wear it etc. However, I argue that the people ought to reclaim it byflying it more.

The perception, among people I know, in the UK, is that the ‘stars and bars’ is a symbol of rebellion, particularly among young people (probably not as much as when I was young, but that was an age of rebellion). So, it has a romantic value in a non-conformist sense.

this is way outta line. actually over the line.

A similar thing here with the Eureka Flag, which was the flag of a local rebellion in the middle of the 19th century and has for some time been used by various trade union and other elements to signify their rebellion against the bosses.

It has a proud history

The bosses want to stamp it out as part of their campaign to destroy the unions.

I’m with the unions.

Me too!

Bloody Bolshie! :smiley:

And, for an internationale finale