does anyone play the online game ACES HIGHII

i was thinkin about downloading it, jus want feedback.

the game is advertised on the history channel so I checked it out. Right now I just play the free 8 players gameplay. The game is very good. It is very complicated at first. I downloaded it yesterday and I do not know how to steer the plane in the air. I only know how to take off.

There was this really cool part. When I finally got out of the hangar(after trying to figure it out for at least a half in our) my plan hit the side of the opening of it. My wing went right off and it was about to blow up. So I am just waiting there for it to blow up, but all of a sudden this plane gets shot down and it is on flames. It is coming low and is heading right towards me. So I am here like “Oh you got to be kidding me. This is not gonna be pretty.” Now it is within 10 feet of me and it blows up. Then the rest of the plane hits me dead on and my plane had an early death.

So it might take a little while to figure it out. So be patient. You have to download it. You can also get in AA guns and stuff like that. Here is a tip"Do not hit the hangars!’

THANKS!!! :slight_smile:

finally somebody posted!!!


you are welcome. Are you going to download it?

yeah, do u get to pic the side u play on?

yes you do. it is based on which plane, tank, or AA gun you pick. If you pick a American or British equipment you will be on the Allied side. If you pick German equipment you be on he Axis side. During the game you can switch your vehichle and switch sides. After you sign up and everything tell me because I play the 8 free multiplayer mode. I can not play it right now because I am on vacation and can not download it on my dads labtop. When I get back to my main computer I will tell you. Then we can play together.