Does this forum load slow for you?

The server may be having some issues. Can you take a minute of our time and vote whether this forum loads slow for you?

Normally not. I’m using ADSL and it works, fine though sometimes the site seems not to be reachable, but I think this is when you are doing maintenance and upgrades.
Maybe there should be a topic under site feedback, where you post planned down time.


A few times the last few days, I’ve tried opening the site and it comes back ‘document contains no data’. Waiting a few minutes and trying again seems to fix it

i have Wireless Network Connection and sometimes i cannot open some topics ,i must wait or try agian.

Sometimes very slow during this week.

Yes its slow sometimes.

Sometimes very slow sometimes doesn’t load.

Also, as Dani has pointed out, I seem to be submitting twice sometimes!!!

I’m on DSL too.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll be monitoring this for another couple of days. The thing is, we just moved to a new and faster server, but it seems the previous one was faster…

no, even in dial up, this site has able to load very fast for me
now, i have broadband, even faster

Normally it only takes me a few seconds until the page is on my screen.

