Down-under, or upside down?

What’s happening with the rugger down there. The “worst worldchampions ever” are through to the Semi-finals, the Ozzies and the Allblacks have gone home. Don’t tell me it’s down to the Pomms to beat the Frogs, and possibly the Argies, again? Perhaps we’ll allow them to win, they need a boost and, besides, they’re quite good hosts after all.

Do the Ozzies still hate the English after their ‘revenge’ game or was that merely P.R.? :mrgreen:

p.s. regarding the ‘I’m a liar’ thread - didn’t someone say that the truth should be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies? :slight_smile:

Well, here’s another fine mess you’ve got me into, Stanley. :smiley:

I’m not qualifed to talk about rugger buggers. We don’t play that game in my state, as our male children are usually born with necks. :smiley: Possibly because we’re further south, so have to stretch further to reach sunlight. We play a more skilful, interesting and faster game, although off field our Aussie Rules morons are at least the equal of rugger morons, getting themselves wasted and killed with drugs and into fights and rapes and courts and hanging around with criminals etc.

Australians don’t hate the English.

We’re barely aware they exist. It’s not like they’ve won much that matters to us in the past couple of decades. :smiley:

To the extent that we don’t like the English, that’s just been redressed by Darrell Hair being reinstated as an umpire. :smiley:

Which is nothing compared with what’s going to happen if Hair even flies over Pakistan, let alone tries to umpire there. He could spark Pakistan’s first aggressive use of a nuke. :smiley:

Very apt.

What’s less apt for the 10th Mountain Division and a U.S. civilian security contractor in Iraq is his email address, which if you go through his profile on WWII I C to his homepage on Mercenary 101 resolves to Maine School District 49.

Presumably the Maine educational system’s funding is so bad that Maine School District 49 has cunningly positioned itself to fill the vacuum left by Blackwater when it gets kicked out of Iraq, infiltrating sites like this to recruit geriatric old farts like some of us to lend credibility to the primary school security contractors who’d shit themselves if they fired a military weapon and, if they didn’t, would fall over backwards anyway, yelling “Medic! Medic! I’ve been hit in the shoulder!”

Perhaps another apposite, if mangled, quote is “Truth is the first casualty in Dorr.” :smiley:

Aussie Rules, the one state game. :wink:
A one of the Swanbourne lads described it to me quite accurately; “It’s aerial ping-pong played in your undies.”

I do however find it orders of magnitude more interesting than that ridiculous egotistical game of soccer.

They’re just jealous because most of them are too short to play at that level.

They’re also jealous of blokes who wear undies. :smiley:

I do however find it orders of magnitude more interesting than that ridiculous egotistical game of soccer.

Have you thought of migrating?

We could draw blood off you to infect migrants from those round ball countries with a better attitude. :smiley:

Don’t kid yourself - Maine has some pretty scraggly bastards that are in their twenties, but cannot pass secondary educational schools because they’re too busy getting drunk and collecting the most nefarious weaponry owned by ordinary civilians known to man…

I’m sure it’s plausible. :wink:

I stayed in Bangor Maine in August, a truly weird and provincial place if ever I saw one. No wonder Steven King has written so many books on it as some of the types I saw there could truly be in a horror movie. I saw more Redneck stereotypes there than I did in my final destination of Arizona.

We all have our fantasies - mine are usually of the ‘Combat Barbie’ nature? :wink:

Maine is a luverly State - it even has a town named after yours truly (please allow the exageration, it shares my surname - yet another fanasy:) ) - thank God for the Oirish! :slight_smile:

LOL My brother lives in New Hampshire now, and previously lived nearer to Boston, Massachusetts. Maine tends to be looked down upon by those in New England, and it’s inhabitants by-and-large thought of as hicks, though I understand it is very beautiful country and he takes a vacation there with family and friends every fall at a resort.

One of my bosses was from Maine. Very hardworking and intelligent in his own way, but still plenty weird. He just loved to drink crappy Buds on the weekends --all weekend!

BTW, the 10th Mountain LID is based out of Upstate New York at state-of-the-art FT Drum near Watertown - and fairly close to Syracuse, not Maine. Also, it’s not far from Canada and their capital of Ottawa, causing some consternation when the post was built up from a desolate army camp to the newest ‘Fort’ in the late 1980s on that part of the Canadians due to the fact that the US had stationed a division of troops within easy driving distance…

I thought Maine was part of New England, so to bring myself up to date on where it really is I typed “maine new england” into Google maps and, strange to relate but true, this somewhat confusing result appeared.

There is a New England in Australia, but I don’t know about Maine being part of it.

In these unexpected circumstances of global transposition, I can’t say I’m surprised that people are perturbed by the conduct of Maniacs, or whatever you call people from Maine. They could pop up anywhere.

I take it that your concern with your former boss is that he was, for want of a better word, drinking Bud, rather than drinking beer all weekend. 'Cos the latter is the national weekend sport down here. Not with Bud. We use beer. Bud is to beer what a Big Mac is to food.

“Cry, ‘God for Harry, England and St George!’”