Dr. Ruth a sniper in WWII??

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine, a woman who is a feature writer for people magazine. She told me that several years ago she spoke with Dr. Ruth at a party where she was a wee bit tipsy but recalls Dr. Ruth saying that she was a highly skilled sniper, despite being a tiny little sex therapist.

I’m just posting this because it was such an odd conversation. Has anyone else heard anything about this? (I think she’s German but Jewish, so I also have no idea who’d she be sniping for.) I’m also not sure if she’d be old enough…how old is she? Anyway, Dr. Ruth, full time sex therapist and also a deadly sniper??

Not WW2 as she spent the war in Switzerland but when she joined the Haganah in Palestine after emigrating there after the war

I think it must be her accent TB, being Jewish she probably meant ‘a highly trained snipper.’
It would after all be in the same area of expertise as that for which she is more usually famous. :slight_smile:

I just hope she’s not deadly snipper. :shock:
If so, heads will roll…

Famous TV chef, the dearly departed and late Julia Child, was a secret (OSS) agent during WWII…

Apparently, Dr. Ruth did serve as a sniper! At least according to Snopes.

Yup, served as a sniper with a Jewish underground organization around 1944-1948…but never shot anyone.

I took a look at the Snopes site and must admit to being a little sceptical about the information on Dr. Ruth.

The terms of reference attributed to her with regard to weaponry are childish to say the least, hardly an indication of someone supposedly ‘trained as a sniper*’ by ex-servicemen.
While women tend to be better students with firearms than men, I’ve yet to encounter someone who has been “discovered completely by chance” to be a sniper, it’s just not an instinctive skill.

Her own website says nothing about sniper training, merely that she was a member of the Haganah, while the Snopes site claims she was “a lookout and a sniper.”
Dr Ruth may or may not have been a member of the Haganah, given that written records of these sort of organisations are of necessity rare, it’s not unknown for people to have claimed membership after the event. Look at how the majority of the French were ‘in Resistance groups’ only after thay had been liberated by the Allies.
I can imagine she may have been used as a dicker, (that may have influnced her later career :D) many women were, but the “lethal sniper” term seems odd to say the least.

For someone of Dr. Ruth’s obvious intelligence and education to use the phrase, “lethal sniper” to which Snopes then adds, “but never killed anyone” says more about the site than anything else.

I’m ready to be proven wrong about this, but then that would only show she’d been a terrorist rather than the subject of an internet myth.

  • Their use of ‘sniper’ in this context I will assume to be the connotation used by the modern media, and not the professional military definition.

Umm, as I’m too lazy to Google it tonight, who is Dr Ruth?

Well, of course they claimed Resistance membership after they were liberated.

You wouldn’t expect them (the 110% of the French population, excluding the 220% Vichy ones) to pop down to the local Gestapo office and register as a Resistance member during the war, would you?

Personally, I feel genuinely sorry for French prostitutes and consorts and the like of Germans who were denounced by other French after the war, by people who kept their heads down the whole time and came out of their holes when it was safe to pour scorn on someone who was defenceless and ostracised but whose actions were no more harmful to France’s or the Allies’ war effort than the inaction of those who kept their heads down.

She was a radio, and sometimes TV, sex therapist here that was more famous in the 1980s…


If you can shoot from cover, you should be able to teach someone how to shoot under the covers. :smiley:

If you actually saw a picture of her, you’d want to duck and cover…:wink:


I’m guessing that the ‘d’ in duck isn’t a typo for ‘f’?

You tell me. This was Ruth in her “prime” so to speak:


I would add that you are mistaking the concept of a sniper in a regular army with one in an irregular underground army such as the Haganah. In the latter, where fighting would consist of ambushes and hit&runs, an ability to actually hit a target at a distance may well be considered good enough to be called a sniper.

I’m pleased by the warning that atomic weapons might fling children against buildings and give them a nasty form of sunburn.

I thought it was worse than that.

I think the Warning / No Warning element was valuable, because it’s important to know what to do if you’re nuked with no warning.

“If there is a warning, you will hear the siren first.”

“Sometimes the bomb might explode without warning, and the first thing we will know about it is the flash.” Apparently, duck and cover will protect you. So much for my stupid ideas about the speed of light and the rate of expansion of an atomic blast. Beats me why the US bothered with early warning systems when everyone could just curl into a ball and cover the back of their neck away from a window to survive.

Notice how the tortoise shell conforms with the shape of GI helmet. Those tortoises knew a thing or two.

I grew up in that era, but we didn’t have any civil defence stuff apart from a map on the cover of the phone book showing the radius of an atomic blast and the damage it was do. I was fucked.

I think I lived in the last US generation that actually did air raid drills while in primary school…

You were lucky.

The nearest my earlier generation got to that was being the host city for part of the film “On the Beach”: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053137/

One of the stars, Ava Gardner, was somewhat disappointed with the pedestrian nature of life here. She said something along the lines that “If you’re making a film about the end of the world, Melbourne is the place to make it.”

That head needs a body about three times bigger.

As for the hands, is she clapping or does she have the clap? Her hands are far too close together to be indicating a schlong. At least judging by what I see in the shower every day, before I soap it up under the hot water. :smiley:

Down Under seems to attract such post-apocalyptic genre…

Perhaps, but you have to remember that Mel Gibson is an American who lived here for a while and who was claimed by our press, and people, as an Australian until he fucked up and became an American again, after he fucked up.

If he hadn’t fucked up he’d still be an Australian, which would allow him to join our corps of legendary and even totally unnoticeable fuckups.