
Do any of the west country boys (and men) on this site fancy a get-to-gether this summer? I.e. lets find a pub get smashed and slag off tinwalt.

Sounds like a good laugh, I’m sure Bluffcove will be up for it too (he’s away for a couple of weeks at the moment).

I’m originally from Devonshire, so despite my current Welsh abode I’m no kind of Grockle. :evil: :lol:

The Coronation Tap in Bristol does a lethally-strong, flat, westcountry cider. Mmmm… Exhibition…

Like Bluff, i’m away as of friday for a month (annual camp + MACC task) but should be back end of july. Any suggestions for drinking dens greatly appreciated.

Sounds like a plan then, we’ll all get in touch at the end of July!

Bluffy has also just bought himself a V6 hybrid 1957 Series I landrover with no MOT and seized brakes, so we can take the opportunity to mock him and said car in person. (Assuming he manages to get it working by then!)

Bluffy has also just bought himself a V6 hybrid 1957 Series I landrover with no MOT and seized brakes, so we can take the opportunity to mock him and said car in person. (Assuming he manages to get it working by then!)

How much did it cost him a fiver?
Even though some of us are away 'till the end of july keep posting suggestions for the location.

V6 Landie? Now there’s a car with a thirst! We had a V8 for farm use for a while and petrol stations used to love me :cry: .

A fiver? he he!

No, it was about £550 off ebay, bought unseen. :lol: He was slightly under the influence at the time, I believe. He has always had a bit of a thing for landrovers, and like poking around under mine with a spanner. (which suits me fine-free mechanicing!) Hopefully the beast will be running in time for a booze up.

I would suggest that we either meet up at someones house, or get together at a campsite somewhere and go out on t’lash. I’m afraid my neck of Devon is just full of scally brummies at this time of year, so unless you want a scrap…! :shock:

scrapping? Brings back memories of Brecon - summer camp 2004 - got into a fight with the locals and some of the blokes on junior Brecon, but that’s a story for another time.

or get together at a campsite somewhere and go out on t’lash.

How’d you mean, try and relive the old days? dig a trench in your garden fill it with water and get your gardener to shoot at us all day.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have one for me lads.

Errr… wrong country (and I can’t stand the stuff in any case - not bitter enough).
Personally, I prefer this stuff (wrong side of the country unfortunately, but that’s where I’ve spent the last 4 years before moving down here for work).

Errr… wrong country (and I can’t stand the stuff in any case - not bitter enough).
Personally, I prefer this stuff (wrong side of the country unfortunately, but that’s where I’ve spent the last 4 years before moving down here for work).

I thought Guinnes was an English beer. Guess not. What counrty are you in? Scotland? Ireland?

Woodforde’s Broadland Brewery

Guinness is Irish! Irish people get really arsey about things like that. And when some Irish people get angry, sometimes they shoot 14 year old girls. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4618125.stm

For your remedial homework, find out the difference between Whiskey and Whisky (note spelling!) and why Irish / Scots are all uptight about that too. Alternatively, treat yourself to a german wheat beer. I recommend Erdinger, which I believe is available in the US. If not, there’s a great range of quality European lagers and beers to try. I would suggest London Pride, but I am fairly sure it would travel very badly.

I tried Wherry last year - a tasty discovery in the Coltishall Mess. I filed this useful bit of information away for future use, then the announcement was made the next day that the station would close. :cry:

The best pint of Pride I have ever tasted (including direct from the brewery in London) was actually in Cardiff (that is Wales for our Colonial brethren). Just goes to show that, although it had travelled, it had been looked after a lot better than in the great smoke!

Interesting stuff. I’ve learned something, or two. I used to prefer gin and tonic with lime, but as I’ve gotten older the stuff has made me feel out of control of myself a bit. But beer just makes me into a pleasant, jolly fellow. But I’ll have a Sam Adams if ye please. A very fine beer indeed. :wink: There are a few excellent beers made here in the US. Have on on me.


nothing,nothing is better than a good and cold quilmes to drink!!

if you don´t believe me,ask to bluff about the quilmes :wink:

Never heard of that brand, but then, I’ve never heard of a lot of brands. :smiley: I’ll take your word for it that it’s a great beer! Do you know where it’s made?

,see ya drinking samuel adams and quilmes in a bar in ny :smiley:

Funny that! Come to think of it, Guinness has apparently just about killed off all the other beers in Ireland - it’s a bit sad really. In the UK however the range of beers is expanding fast (we have much to be thankful to CAMRA for), and a lot of it is good stuff :slight_smile:

Well, Marham should be staying open and they’re fairly close to Woodfordes too (there’s plenty of it to be found in Cambridge, which is a lot further away from the brewery).

When I was living in Ireland, I prefered Smithwick´s or Kilkenny above Guinness.
