Dutch Fokker T VIII - Other Forces | Gallery

Dutch Fokker T VIII

Photo taken before October 1939. At around 1.30pm on the 13th September 1939 a Fokker T VIII was mistaken for an RAF aircraft and attacked by an He115 of 1./106 off Ameland. Being badly damaged it capsided while attempting to land in heavy seas, the crew of 4 was picked up by their attacker, which after running repairs to a damaged float managed to take-off again at 5.00p.m. and return to Germany. The Dutch crew were repatriated 2 days later following diplomatic exchanges. It was this incident that prompted the Dutch to change the national markings on their aircraft from October 1, 1939 onwards to a distinctive orange triangle to avoid further cases of mistaken identity.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/43663/dutch-fokker-t-viii

Nice pic - the Dutch had some nice looking aircraft I think. Glad that crew were ok.