Dutch soldiers in a trench - Other Forces | Gallery

Dutch soldiers in a trench

dutch soldiers in a trench

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/36556/dutch-soldiers-in-a-trench

I would love to see a section on the left for the Dutch Army some day. They had their own army, their own strategic plans and what is important they took part in WW2 mobilizing 280,000 men. Let’s hope : )

Caught in the trap that can arise from relying on neutrality for national defence (actually, it might well have paid off, as in WW1), the Dutch faced the Germans inadequately equipped, and were thrown off-balance immediately by what was, for them, a German surprise attack (although they might have been less suprised had their government taken heed of a warning passed to them from German resistants in the Abwehr). That having been said, the Dutch forces fought hard where given the chance, and gave the Germans some severe frights (the Hague, Dordrecht etc.). Best regards, JR.