Dutch warcriminal dies - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

Dutch warcriminal dies

The Dutch warcriminal Klaas Carel Faber died last thursday from kidneyfailure at age 90.Faber was the last fugitive warcriminal from the Netherlands.He died in Ingolstadt,Germany.During WW2 he worked for the Sicherheitsdienst in Groningen.In 1947 he was,as an accomplice ,convicted for the murder of at least 22 people.In 1952 ,together with 6 others ,he escaped from the Koepel jail in Breda and went to Germany.On request of the Dutch Government he was once put on trial at Düsseldorf but was set free.He lived a quiet life in Ingolstadt since. Klaas Faber and his brother Pieter Johan were infamous for their work in service of the German Sicherheitsdienst and the Sonderkommando Feldmeijer,responsible for eliminating resistance people.Both were also involved in the executions of dozens of arrestants. They were also active as bodyguards for NSB-leader Anton Mussert. Their father,a baker from Haarlem and a prominent NSB member is believed to have been killed by the female resistance fighter Hannie Schaft. After the war both brothers were convicted to death but only Pieter Johan was shot.The sentence of Klaas was commuted to live in prison because it couldn't be proven that he actualy had killed people himself. from The Standaard Online Greetz,brummbar

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/modern/45602/dutch-warcriminal-dies

Wow, what an interesting story. I knew nothing of this man before.

Great post!