East of Naples - British Forces | Gallery

East of Naples

Vertical photographic-reconnaissance aerial of a road junction at Castelnuovo, east of Naples, Italy, after its obliteration by Vickers Wellingtons of No. 205 Group on 12 September 1943. This important section of the highway system was one of the main points through which the German Army was directing troops and materiel for counter-attacks against Allied forces at Salerno. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/46812/east-of-naples

In reality the correct name is Casalnuovo di Napoli. Unfortunately it’s an area which I knew very few. Cheers, VS

Certainly obliterated. As a matter of interest, VS, there seems to be a large physical structure (geographical, I mean) just south of the "obliteration area". Do you know ahtat this is ? A forest ? A crater ? Just curious, JR.