Editing Banned User Profiles

It seems to me a lot of spammers register without really hoping to posting anything or start a start a thread. They seem to be using the user profiles to forward links and bio information on what they’re spamming. I was wonder if there is a way we can edit the entire user ID in order to delete ‘Hompage’ links to spam and messages in the Bio/Signature? Currently I can only edit their avatar and sig pics.

That would be helpful, as you say there is more of the profile spam than any other these days. No reason to leave their rubbish on the site.

Can you provide me with an example profile?

It’s hard to provide a specific example, but if click on the Mod button (or the “Edit Profile” icon that looks like a pen next to their username) to get the ‘blue screen’ and see some of the user profiles, many of the banned users will have links to spam in their homepage, they’ll have working IM links as well like this guy TG banned today:


I’d appreciate another example as this one had no link in the public profile.

Try this one: http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/member.php?23221-Dianianownhot&

The instant messaging contact is still active and I think there is a link in the profile to a spam site…

here is one from today, contains two links in the signature. (“about me” tab) http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/member.php?23558-anthonykent410 Or this one. http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/modcp/index.php?loc=user.php%3Fdo%3Dviewuser%26u%3D23558

Ok, but where does it show on the website?

I guess it doesn’t show a website… :slight_smile:

I was basing this off the blue screen in the modding the user profile area…