"Egg hill" base is recaptured - Finnish Forces | Gallery

"Egg hill" base is recaptured

Munakukkula (Egg hill) base after it's recapture on November 9, 1941. The hill was captured by Soviets previous day and 3rd company of 1st Infantry Regiment took it back at morning losing one man dead and eight men wounded, while Soviet casualties were around sixty men. The trench on this small hill seemed to be full of bodies and it was dubbed as Corpse Alley by soldiers occupying the base.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/finnish-forces/40730/%22egg-hill%22-base-is-recaptured

This is the only good point for these men. In this cold thet did not have to put up with the smell.