Elgiable for Awards

You should not have to be a sergeant major to get a medal. I think we should vote for anyone we want.


Your point being…?

I think what he means is that some people don’t spend enough time around to get medals but deserve it with the time they’re avalible.

Yeah. That is my point because I have sports and I can’t be on as much.
Pretty sure other people can not be on much.

Firstly it states that you need to be a Seargeant Major to recommend someone for an award. This is not followed as much nowadays. And anyone at any rank can recieve an award.

Dont worry…this is not a race. And it doesnt appear that the forum will disappear in the future.

Dear German Soldier, dear young Friend,

I just hope that you did not get a completely false impression what this Forum is about…
We are here to have a friendly, sometimes heated, (but never abusing), discussions about WWII and military matters in general.
Some of us are ex soldiers, some teenagers, some are real vets with hi ranks, some are in active service.
We have sort of a ranks and medals system in a Forum which in no way nobilitates anyone.
Purely artificial, virtual promotion for fun.

I understand that it may be nobilitating and exciting to punch in number of … ehm… say… posts…which mean nothing…
And in return… gain some strips and/or stars on your virtual shoulders.

I can assure you that on this forum are guys which contributed a lot, received “Forum Medals”, but they can walk proudly with a few real medals on their chests.
They have combat experience from more than one war, they have real ranks, way exceeding their virtual ones, (or opposite), and they are real soldiers.

Judging by the speed of your posts production you’ll be soon promoted to Captain…

I suggest hiring a spit fire with a quarter of lamb, invitation of neighbours and introductory speach of your father entitled: “MY SON IS NOW A CAPTAIN!”


(And plenty of Purple Hearts will follow - anyway - you have three lives in any game, am I right?)


Forum medals and ranks are just for indication of seniority and fun.

Honestly, if couple more enthusiasts like you would show up, I would consider petition to Forum Administration for complete abolishion of ranks, medals and for hiding posts counter into each member profile.
Additionally I believe, following General Sandworm, that members should restrain themselves from meaningless “approval” posts…

It doesn’t bring anything if someone will write:

  • he is right

  • I think so…

  • Yeah!



Ok I get Gen.Sandworm. Thanks for telling me that.

Will one of the moderators lock this thread for me. I get the point now.